The Confusion Begins

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A/N:  Please leave reviews so I know what you all are thinking!! I really hope you're enjoying it.  Thanks for reading and ENJOY! <3(: x

Maddie’s POV:

                The sounds surrounding me vary so much; I don’t even know where I am.  All I can remember is blacking out after talking to somebody.  Who was I talking to?  Did they have something to do with this?  Do with what exactly though?  I try to sit up and open my eyes, but I can’t move.  I can’t see.  All I can do is sit here in darkness, listening to the sounds all surrounding me, continuing while I can only listen.  There’s someone crying somewhere on my left.  A woman keeps calling somebody’s name.

                “Maddie!”  She cries, over and over.  “Maddie!”  Is she talking to me?  Who’s Maddie?  A man’s voice suddenly speaks louder than the woman sobbing.

                “Ma’am, I’m sorry but visiting hours are almost up.  Please leave in the next ten minutes or so.”  The man’s voice says.

                “I can’t stay with her any longer than that?”  The woman says between sobs.

                “I apologize, but it’s the rules.”  The man says as a door clicks shut quietly.  The woman sits back down and starts talking about someone named Maddie again.  After a bit, she quiets down before saying goodbye and leaving.  That’s when everything seems to shut down and the silence takes over once again.

Liam’s POV:

                The dream has kept me awake for the rest of the ride home.  I can’t stop thinking about that man and that alleyway.  Is that what happened when Maddie hung up?

                “Liam!”  My mum screams when I knock on the door to my house.  She pretty much covers me in a hug and doesn’t let go for what seems to be forever.  I hug back tightly and after a bit Louis coughs and rummages for something in his bag.  “Hi Louis!”  She crushes him in the same type of hug and lets go after a minute.  “I’m so proud of you boys!  Come in, come in.!”  She says cheerfully and opens the door wider to let us through with our stuff.  I lead Louis up the stairs to my room and he looks around with a sly grin on his face.

                “I didn’t know you were so big into Toy Story Liam.”  He laughs and picks up a small Superman figure.  “I do approve of this.”  He puts it down and looks around for a minute before his eye catches the little door at the end of the room.  “Where’s that lead?”  He glances towards me before walking over to it.

                “No!”  I say a little too fast.  He gives me one of his ‘oh really?’ looks and opens the door leading up to the roof.  He walks up the stairs, looking across the roof after stepping onto it. 

                “Whose jacket is this?”  He walks over and picks up Maddie’s jacket that looks like its seen better days.

                “I guess Maddie left it up here the day I left for X-Factor.”  I take it from him and look down at it sadly.

                “You mean you guys come up here together?”  He asks, and then thinks for a second.  “Don’t you have a girlfriend?”  I pause for a second, and then hear someone running down the street.  Katelin stops in front of my house and screaming.

                “Speaking of her…”  I start before Katelin yells again.

                “Oh my god, Liam you’re home!  Is that Louis Tomlinson?!”  She screams and runs inside and up to the roof, giving me a bear hug.  She quickly runs over to Louis and squeezes him tightly.  His eyes look up in fear and he’s trying not to laugh.

                “Come on babe, let go…”  I have to coax her off of Louis before she takes my hand and tries to drag me back inside.

                “Come on!  Let’s go shopping!”  She smiles and tugs on my hand.

                “I’m busy right now love, is later okay?”  Her face immediately drops as soon as I say it, and I regret it instantly.  “No, I just meant that-“  I try to pull her into a hug but she pushes away.

                “I knew you were going to change Liam.  Thanks a lot, we’re through!”  She yells and runs back downstairs and outside and running down the street.

                “Since when did she…”  I mumble to myself.  Louis just looks up at me and cracks up, falling onto the roof and rolls a bit before stopping and laughing even harder.

                “Mate, I apologize, but that is just too funny.  She just broke up with the famous Liam Payne!”  He laughs even harder before coughing for a minute and standing up.  I crack a smile and laugh with him before looking across at Maddie’s house.  It looked more run down than I remember it being.  Louis looks in the direction I’m staring at and looks back towards me.  “Is that Maddie’s house?”  I nod and he puts an arm around my shoulders.  “You got lucky she lives so close then.”  He smiles and it fades when he sees I’m not laughing.

                “Do you mind if I walk over there, alone?”  I look at him and he nods slowly.  “Just chill in my room, I’ll be back soon.”  I quickly head down through the house and head across the street.  Knocking on the door sends chills straight down my spine.  The door creaks open slowly as Maddie’s mum opens the door.

                “Liam!”  She smiles and pulls me into a quick hug.  “How are you darling?  Would you like some tea or anything to eat?”  She opens the door to let me in and shuts it behind me.

                “I’m great, thanks.  I’m not too hungry right now though, thanks for the offer.”  I smile and look around.  “Where’s Maddie?”  I try to say calmly, but her face immediately tenses up and her eyes show me a different story of what she says.

                “She’s upstairs sleeping, long day I suppose.”  She says abruptly and glances towards the door.  “Anything you need Liam?”  She says suddenly, looking back up towards me.

                “Oh, no ma’am.  I guess I’ll see you later then?”  I smile and hug her again before quickly heading over to my house.

                I can’t help but think to myself, what happened while I was gone?!

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