The Finale

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A/N: I hope you all are enjoying it; don't you just love cliff hangers? (: xx


Liam’s POV:

                Getting out of rehearsal, everything felt lovely.  We were in the finale in the live shows of the X-Factor.  I had four new best friends, Niall, Zayn, Louis, and Harry and we were living in a dream.  All the screaming girls, fame, and attention could be overwhelming but that was the fun part.  When you think about it, this is only the beginning of who knows what is to come?

                I heard my phone buzzing but left it there while I went and talked to Simon for a moment.  I turn around to see Niall screaming Maddie’s name and quickly run over and shoo him off.  Picking up the phone, I hear Maddie’s cheerful voice.

                “Hello?  Is this Maddie?”  I try to say casually, as not to seem overly excited to hear from her.

                “Hi Liam.”  She says a bit quieter than she normally would.  I wonder how home has been since I left.

                “I’m sorry I haven’t called love, I’ve been-“  I start to apologize before some sort of static becomes really loud and I hear a scream.

                “Liam!”  Maddie’s voice cries from her phone before there’s a loud crash and the line goes blank.

                “Maddie?!”  I scream, knowing it’s useless anyway.  My phone slips and hits the floor as I stand there in shock.  What’s going on?  Where’d Maddie go?  I miss her; I need to talk to her.  What happened?!  These thoughts run through my head endlessly as I pick up my phone and just run.  I have no idea where I’m going; I just began running.  I ran out of the X-Factor studio and straight into a mob of girls being held back by security.

                “Liam!!”  They all scream quickly and the noise intensifies by ten.  I wave and try to smile before running as fast as I can back to the contestants’ house.  I get up the stairs and slam the door to my room before climbing on top of my bunk and curling into a ball.  I don’t know where they come from, but the tears just start to fall.  I can’t say for how long I just stayed there, curled up in a ball, crying over something I don’t even know what happened.  My phone buzzes in my pocket at least five times, but each time is just another ignored call.

                I must have fallen asleep for a bit, considering I was woken up with a concerned looking Louis when I felt someone poking my shoulder and turned over.

                “What’s wrong mate?”  Louis asks, sitting on top of his bunk, looking across at me.  I shrug and lie back down across my bed, facing him this time.

                “I don’t even know Lou.  I truly wish I did.”  I say before thinking about something.  My biggest supporter just… What happened?  How am I supposed to perform tomorrow night when something’s wrong back home?  I can’t let the band down though, but I can’t ditch Maddie.  You already have…  The last thought scares me the most out of all of them.  I haven’t ditched Maddie, have I?  No, no, I know I haven’t.  When was the last time you talked to her then?  Wasn’t she the one you called first, but hung up to call your girlfriend, who didn’t even care, when you got through the auditions?  “No…”  I groan out loud and put my hands on my face and the tears start to fall again.

                Feeling a hand pushing against my shoulder, I look up into Louis’ face a few inches from mine.  “Lad, I can’t help you if you won’t tell me what’s wrong.”  His eyes show concern and I just don’t know what to say.

                “I can’t perform tomorrow night.”  I say after a few moments.

                “But it’s the final-“  Louis starts as his eyes widen.

                “I know, it’s the finale Lou.  I just can’t.”  I say and look down in regret.

                “I’ll be back with Simon.”  He says before swiftly walking off and closing the door behind him, his footsteps running quickly down the stairs as he screams Simon’s name.  I slowly pull my phone out of my pocket and unlock it.  Five new calls from the boys and one from Maddie’s mum.  I quickly dial the number and put the phone up to my ear.

                “Hello?”  Maddie’s mum replies cheerfully.

                “Hi Mrs.-“  I start to say before she screams.

                “Oh my gosh!  Liam, I’m so proud of you for getting to the finale!  We all knew you would make it this far!”  I can just see her excitement bubbling as she speaks.

                “Thank you so much.  I’m just wondering, have you seen Maddie today?”  I say hurriedly, hoping for a different answer than what I get.

                “Have I seen Maddie?  No dear, you know she’s coming home from school.  Well, actually, she should be home by now, shouldn’t she?  Maybe she went to study at the library or something.”  Her mum replies happily, but it dying off a little near the end.

                “I don’t know if she is Mrs.-“  I try to start speaking again before there’s a noise in the background.

                “Hold on Liam, somebody’s at the door.”  I groan inwardly as she puts the phone on the counter and goes to open the door.  A few minutes later, she comes back with a completely different voice.  “Liam?  Are you still there?”

                “Yes, are you okay?”  I ask, my worry growing every second.

                “I’ve just been told the oddest news, they had pictures of Maddie.”  Her mum replies shakily.

                “Wait, pictures?  What are you talking about?”  My eyes widen and then Louis opens the door and Simon barges in.

                “Liam, what is this of not performing tomorrow night?!”  He says loudly as the phone call ends itself.

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