The Fight

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A/N: I'm really enjoying writing this! o:  I really would like reviews if you wouldn't mind... I wanna know if you all like it!  Thanks for reading and enjoy!! (: x

“Liam!?”  Katelin screams now as we stand up quickly.  “Are you cheating on me?  With her?!”  She screams again and slaps him right across the cheek.

                “Love, no.  I swear, she’s just my best friend.   It was an accident!”  His voice pleads for her to believe him while looking towards the train.  He rubs his cheek and picks back up his suitcase.

                “I can’t believe you!”  She continues to yell and I roll my eyes and sigh deeply.

                “Look, I really need to go.  I’ll see you two soon!”  He says while running off to catch the train.

                “Stupid bitch…”  Katelin sneers as she turns away from me.

                “Excuse me?”  I say, folding my arms across my chest.  She turns back towards me and does her infamous glare.

                “I said, stupid bitch.  You’re trying to steal my boyfriend.”  Every word she says is basically full of hatred and she puts on her pouty face while crossing her arms as well.

                “You think I fancy him?”  I say, laughing.  I can’t help but think about that kiss though.  I swear I’d felt a tiny… Spark.  A tiny one, but it was there.  I could see he felt it too.  His eyes show me everything I ever need to hear.  “Just wait until he’s famous babe.”  I say and turn to walk away.  This time, it was her turn to be ‘surprised’.

                “Excuse me?”  She says, pulling back on my hair.

                “Bloody hell!?”  I scream and yank her hand off my hair.  She pushes me, causing me to fall straight on my bum.  She’s in the mood for a cat fight, seeing as she decides to come crashing on top of me and starts slamming me with her fists.  Trying to fight her off is impossible; her fists just come too fast.  “Katelin stop!  Seriously!”  I manage to scream after a minute or so.  Luckily, security guards are running our way and quickly pull Katelin off and away with her continuing to scream.  One of them holds a hand out and helps me up.

                “Can you tell me exactly what happened?”  The security guy says, glancing over his shoulder at the still screaming Katelin.

                “Just another jealous hormonal teenager girl.”  I reply casually, but burst out laughing at the man’s face.  He shrugs and walks in the direction of Katelin and the other guards.  I turn to look for Liam’s train, but it’s already long gone.  Sadly, I walk back to my car and get in slowly.  Liam’s gone.  He’s really gone.  I rest my forehead on the steering wheel to think.  He’ll make it.  I know he will, but he’s gone.  After a while, I sit up and start the car to drive home.

                Hours later, my phone buzzes and I look down and smile to see a text from Liam.

                “From:  Spoonfreak

                Hi weirdo.  Got to X-Factor alright, this wait will be the end of me! Ttyl x”

                “To:  Spoonfreak

                I’ll be watching (;”

                I can just see him laughing at the reply, but he doesn’t text back, sadly.  I run to the living room and turn on the TV to see the X-Factor auditions just starting up.  After about an hour, a familiar looking boy with brown hair was coming on stage.

                “MUM!  Liam’s on the X-Factor!”  I scream and pull a pillow close to my chest and bury my face in it, except for my eyes, which are locked on the TV.  I’d heard Liam’s audition a thousand times over since he’d first considered it sometime last year and this time was the best one by far.  My mum was standing behind the couch with her hands on her cheeks, tears streaming down her face.  After Simon cuts Liam off, we both gasp quietly and wait for their opinions.  Each has some sort of variation off “that was brilliant!”  and he gets three yes’s.  My mum and I jump up and run around screaming our heads off and hug each other tightly, both crying now.  Soon, I hear my phone buzzing and see ‘Spoonfreak’ calling.

                “Hello?”  I say quickly.

                “I made it!”  He yells as soon as the phone picks up.

                “I know!  I’m so proud of you Liam; I told you you could do it!  I can’t wait to see you on the live shows!”  I say, smiling and jumping around still like an idiot.

                “Thank you love, thank you so much.  I gotta go and call Katelin, talk to you later?”  He quickly says before hanging up and I click ‘end’ on the call.  I look down at my phone sadly and wish he didn’t have his girlfriend.  I still have the bruises from earlier, and he probably didn’t even see her beat the crap out of me.

                After that phone call, I only hear from Liam every few weeks, if I’m lucky.  My mum and I watch every episode of the X-Factor and cry when he gets voted out and cry when he gets put into a boy band.  The other lads sure are cuties, I can say that much.  Every week they only sound better and we vote every time, as many times possible.  We cry each time they’re voted through and I can’t believe how happy Liam looks to be.  I always check my phone constantly but I haven’t heard from him since the second live show and this week is the finale. 

                Trying one last time before the night of the finale, I call Liam while I’m walking home from school.  After the first few rings, I almost give up before I hear an adorable Irish accent answer the phone.

                “Hello?  This is Niall’s Nandos.  How may I help you?”  Niall’s voice rings across the phone.

                “I’d like a special order of Liam Payne if you wouldn’t mind?”  I say, trying not to burst out laughing.

                “Oh, are you another one of those fangirls?  He doesn’t like girls who call constantly.  Who knows how they even got his number, poor lad.”  Niall says.  Liam gets girls calling him constantly?  I think and can’t help but feel a bit jealous.  Wait, since when am I jealous?!  But at least he probably picks up the phone for them, I’d be lucky for that to happen.  “Still there love?”  Niall asks.

                “Oh yeah, and no, I’m Maddie, one of Liam’s best friends.”  I reply casually while looking to the left to check the stoplight to be able to cross the street.

                “You’re Maddie?!”  He yells.  “I finally get to talk to the infamou-“  He continues to yell as his voice becomes distant and another person takes over.

                “Hello?  Is this Maddie?”  Liam’s voice says.  Dang, his voice has gotten deeper.  I notice quickly.

                “Hi Liam.”  I say a little shyly.  Wow, my best friend is a celebrity and NOW I get shy.  Thanks brain.  I groan inwardly and listen closely for him over the static of the phone.  I bet it’s this stupid alleyway that’s causing the static.  This is the most irritating part of town for cell service, but it’s the shortest way to walk home.

                “I’m sorry I haven’t called love, just bee-“  Liam starts as the static gets worse.  After I pause to pull out my Chapstick, I look up and see someone walking towards me.  “Maddie?!”  He yells, but I barely hear it as I turn around and try walking back the way I came.  Creep… I think as I hear the person’s footsteps quickly advance up behind me.  In the next second, an arm wraps around my neck.

                “Liam!”  I scream right before my phone falls out of my hand and smashes on the ground.  My head hits the concrete and everything turns black.

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