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A/N:  This is my first real fanfic & I can't wait to see how it turns out!  Enjoy(: x

Sitting on the steps outside the arcade, I couldn’t believe how fast everything was changing.  I’d just turned sixteen a month ago and now Liam was considering trying out for the X-Factor.  Check that, he is trying out for the X-Factor.  That means he’s leaving for who-knows how long and we all know he’ll make it through.  His voice is phenomenal and I can’t wait for him to become famous.  I just hope he doesn’t forget me when he does.  He’s been my best friend since we met in pre-school.  When I had tried to jump off the swing, I’d fallen back instead and he’d caught me.  We’ve been inseparable ever since.  Now he was leaving, and my vision is becoming blurry at the thought of him leaving for good.

                “Maddie!”  Liam’s voice rings from down the street.  I look and see him running with his bag hitting his back with every step.  Smiling, I get up and hold my arms out to give him a huge hug.  He runs up and lifts me off my feet.

                “Liam put me down!”  I say, laughing and lean on him for a second when he finally does let me down.

                “Fine, but you ready to play some games love?”  He smiles and opens the door to the arcade.  He follows me inside and pays for the small cards to get points onto.  Walking into the actual arcade section, I look around and my mouth drops open.  The last time I’d come in here was three years ago and it was really crummy then.  Now, it’s huge with so many more games, flashing lights, and teenagers and kids running around, fighting over which game to play next.

                “Liam where do we-“  I start to say, turning to look at him, but he’s gone.  “Liam!?”  I yell and turn in a 360 looking for him.

                “Over here love!”  His voice yells from my left, so I run over and see him playing one of those weird motorcycle stimulator games.  He glances up at me before smiling and putting on his new shades.  “Am I badass enough yet?”  He says with a straight face before bursting out laughing.  He pushes the glasses up to the top of his hair and then turns and focuses on the game.  I’m really going to miss him.  I begin to think.  No, stop.  Don’t say anything.  Let him live even… Don’t.  Before I know it, a couple tears run down my face.  I quickly wipe them away before Liam can notice and look at my watch.  4:20 p.m.  Good, we still have another few hours, unless his girlfriend decides to come bitch at us…  I sigh and go look for something to play.  Soon, I become really into that game where you have to roll the ball up and it bounces into one of the holes.  Looking up a while later, I check my watch.  Holy crap, it’s 6:30 p.m.  Where the heck is Liam?!  Quickly looking around, I run outside and almost run into somebody.

                “Oh, sorry…” I mutter before looking up.  It just happens to be Liam and the wicked witch of the west, otherwise known as, his girlfriend Katelin.

                “Hi love, you looked into that game, so I didn’t want to interrupt.”  Liam says and smiles at me, while Katelin glares at me.

                “Oh, well I guess I’ll see you tomorrow then?”  I say quietly and he nods before pulling Katelin closer to him.  As I walk away, she sticks her foot out and I trip down the front stairs.  “Ow…”  I moan and pull myself off the ground.

                “Maddie, are you alright?!”  Liam runs down and takes my hand and pulls me up.

                “I’m fine.  See you tomorrow.”  I look up as I rub my head and glare at Katelin; she’s smiling sweetly back as I walk away.

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