The Goodbye's

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A/N: I really hope you enjoy this chapter.  I would love you forever if you'd leave a review & fan me!  So many more chapters to come.  Enjoy! (: xx

Driving home, I had no idea what to do.  I really wish that Liam didn’t have to leave; I really didn’t.  I’d rather let him become famous and live his dreams though; it’s what he deserves.  But I wonder how Katelin would handle that though.  He really hasn’t seemed as happy as he usually is lately, especially when Katelin’s around, though I haven’t had time to ask him about it.  When I get home, I get out and walk up to my room.  There were so many memories floating around in just one room; it’s mental just thinking about it all.  From the times we were in diapers, to the times we fought over Mario Kart, yelling at each other who was gonna win, it was so much.  Too much.  Sitting on my bed, I look around at the turquoise walls, random posters of boy bands and female solo artists, the TV and Playstation, everything that meant the world to me.  I put my head in my hands, thinking of how it’s all going to change when he leaves.  There’s nobody left to play video games with me.  Nobody left to laugh with or hold me close when I cry.

                Shaking the thoughts out of my head for the moment, I check my phone.  It’s 11:30 P.M. already?  Looking closer, there’s a text message.

                “From:  SpoonFreak

                Meet me on the roof in 10? x”

                Smiling to myself, I reply with a ‘sure(:’ and put my phone in my pocket.  Meeting on the roof was something we did a ton, especially when one of us was upset or something.   Sometimes it was just somewhere we could hang out, no interruptions.  Since his house is just across the street, I walk over quickly and climb up the few wooden steps we call a ladder that we’d hammered on a few years back.  He was already sitting up there with his headphones in, lying on his back, and looking up at the stars.  I quietly walk over and lie down next to him.  After a few minutes of silence and the hum of his headphones, he takes them out of his ears and put them in his pocket.  He looks over at me and I can see fear and sadness in his eyes, but he tries to hide it with a smile.

                “Hello love, how are you?”  He asks, putting an arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer so my head is resting on his chest.

                “Okay, I guess.  How are you?”  I tilt my head up to see his face, only briefly does his expression change as he looks up at the stars.

                “Alright, great actually.”  He smiles to himself.

                “Are you ready for tomorrow?”  I ask, still searching his face for any hints.  His body tenses for a moment, before relaxing again.

                “Completely.”  He says with as much confidence as he can.

                “Shouldn’t you at least go to bed?  It’s midnight by now, at least.”  I say concerned before sitting up slowly.

                “I guess nerves are keeping me awake.  I have no clue how the audition is going to work out.”  He sighs and sits up next to me and looks toward me.

                “We all know you’re going to make it.  Just believe in yourself.”  I say and he shrugs.

                “Will you at least stay up here with me until I’m ready to sleep?”  He asks and pulls me closer again.

                “Isn’t cuddling what your girlfriend is for?”  I joke and playfully punch his arm.

                “Oww…”  He jokingly replies, holding his arm.  “That hurt, I’m going to get you now!”  He says and tackles me and goes into a war of tickling.  After a few minutes of screaming and wrestling, we hear a door slam and sit up immediately.

                “LIAM JAMES PAYNE, YOU AND MADDIE GO TO BED RIGHT NOW!”  His mum screams from the front door and slams it behind her.  We look at each other and burst into a quiet fit of laughter.  We lie back on the roof again and he pulls the headphones out of his pocket and hands one to me.  Putting it in my ear, he quietly starts playing “Keep Holding On” by Kelly Clarkson and closes his eyes as he puts his arm back around me and puts my head on his chest.  Soon, we both fall asleep like that.

                “Maddie?!  Get off the roof and go say goodbye to Liam!!”  Someone’s voice cuts through my dream and forces me to open my eyes.  It’s morning and the sunlight is blinding.  I look around to find the source of the voice and look down, blinking quickly and rubbing my eyes to see.  Liam’s mom is yelling something at me.  “Maddie!  His train is going to leave soon!  Hurry if you wish to say goodbye!”  Looking at my watch, it’s 9:34 and his train leaves at 10:15.  Oh crap.  I quickly stand up and notice something fall off my shoulder.  It’s a tiny sheet of paper. 

On the inside, ‘Good morning love. xx You look quite beautiful asleep, that’s why I left without waking you, I hope you don’t mind.  Wish me luck! Love, Liam xx” Oh crap is all that I can think.  I immediately run over and climb, more like fly, down the side of the house and quickly jog over and jump into my car.  After a few tries, the engine finally roars to life.  As fast as it can go, while doing the speed limit, I speed up the car and race towards the station.  As I’m pulling in, my watch beeps on time of the new hour.  Slamming my door behind me, I run as fast as I can into the station and look for Liam’s brown head.

“Liam!!”  I scream, looking in all directions.

“Train 284 is now boarding.”  The cheerful intercom lady screeches.  Shit, that’s Liam’s train! I think as I keep looking around and run in the direction I hope to be correct.

“Liam!”  I scream over and over before running into someone.  “Oh sorry sir!”  I say a little louder to be heard over the noise of the crowd as I bend over to pick up his suitcase.  He leans down as well and reaches for it at the same time.  When I lift my head up, our lips lock together and remain a second before I pull back and gasp, looking into the shocked face of Liam.

                “Liam?!”  We look towards my left to see Katelin striding towards us quickly.

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