The Last of us

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This takes place in the game "The last of us 2" if u dont play videogames. Get out. Or google it. I dont have time to explain.
But ill sumarize it for you.

Your in an apocalypse.


We just ran away from a hoard of clickers and now where in this big abandonded building. Much like the rest of them. But we have to sweep through all of them just in case.
I open one of the cabnets and see a playing card. I grab it and put it in my backpack with the rest of the cards ive collected.

Baku:"Why do you even collect those things. They have no use."

Y/N:"Why do u have a dick? Its no use."
I say mocking him

Baku:"Wooowww how mature of you."

We keep looking around until we find 2 doors. I open one and

Baku:"Holy shit its a bunch of weed."

Y/N:"Yeah...its a pot farm. Wtf..."


He grabs a jar and smashes it on the ground

Y/N:"Shhh! What if theres ppl here?!"

Baku:"Doubt it. All the plants have died. But-"

He picks up a joint from the floor that was in the jar

Baku:"Maybe these still work."

Y/N:"Come on. You cant seriously be thinking of getting high in the middle of an apocalypse."

Baku:"Its been going on for 4 years. Maybe letting off some stress isnt so bad. Now sit down."

(Children do not smoke. This was part of the games story.)

I sit down next to him on the couch.
He takes out a lighter and lights it. Then puts it in his mouth and realeses a cloud of smoke.

Baku:"Can i ask you a question?"

Y/N:"Idk can you?'

Baku:"Scale of one to being absolute trash, and ten altering. How would you...rate our kiss from last night?"

Y/N:"Why are we still talking about this. You said it was a mistake."

Baku:"Did i say that?"

Y/N:"What are you doing?"

Baku:"I asked you to rate our kiss."

Y/N:".....i dont know."

He takes another puff

Baku:"Id give it a 6."

Y/N:"A 6?!"

Baku:"Like a solid 6."

Y/N:"Wow, ok."

Baku:"There where a lot of people around-"

Y/N:"Yeah, but 6?"

Baku:"Oh, what? I mean now i really wana know how youd rate it."

Y/N:"I dont think you do."

We both just stare at eachother kinda smiling "Your infuriating." He says.
I raise an eyebrow "Have you met you?"
He rolls his eyes "you make me want to go back outside into that blizard."
I lean in a bit "No one is stopping you."
He leans in too "This better be better than 6..." he flicks the blunt out of his hand and cups my face and kisses me. I wrap my arms around his neck and he pushes me forward to lay down. He takes off his shirt and unbuckles his belt "ill show you what a 10 feels like."

-and now this long break brought to you by The last of us directors bc they had the audacity to cut that scene off with a black screne. So YOU ALL WILL GET THE SAME.-

Y/N:"What about this one?"
I say touching one of his scars

Baku:"When i was 12, i found a skateboard."


Baku:"And i tried to get on it, and it shot right up from underneath me."

Y/N:"Wait, how did you get the scar?"

Baku:"I fell on my knife."
We laugh a bit then i turn away from his chest and pull out my right arm

Y/N:"Okay. Um..." i point to the tattoo on my arm "The chemical burn. I did it myself."


Y/N:" cover a bite mark. Right here. I got jumped by an infected when i was 14. And it turns imune, so it healed with a ring of fucked up teeth marks and cysts and--"
He slaps my arm playfuly


Baku:"Fuck you."
He turns and gets on top of me


Baku:"I told you a real fucking story."

Y/N:"I did tell you a real fucking story!"

Baku:"Oh, you want a bite mark?"

Be bends down but then a noise is heard

Baku:"Did you hear that?'

-Anyone down there?

He looks behind him at the closed door "Todorki????'

He says through the door

Y/N:"Just stay there ok!"

Todorki:"Are you ok whats going on?"

We scury to put our clothes back on

Y/N:"Will you wait please?!"

He opens the door "Whats going on?"

Baku:"What--just turn around what are you doing!!"

Todorki:"Are you kidding me..."
He turns around

Todoroki:"You're supposed to be on patrol."

Baku:"Theres a blizzard outside!"

Todoroki:"Is that weed?"

Baku:"Why are you here?"

Todorki:"People are counting on you! You get that? What we do matters!"

Baku:"Well then why arent you on the fucking lookout?"

Todoroki:"Because Shinso and Aizawa didnt show up!"

Baku turns to look at me

Y/N:"What do you mean?"

Todoroki:"We waited for them for an hour. I was looking for their horses when i saw lights."

Baku:"Mayeb they just went back to town."

Y/N:"Without being replaced, no way. We have to go find them."

Todoroki:"Ok, put put on the rest of your clothes please."

The end. I will gladly make a part 2 if you want it. But i will warn you the second part is a lot more sad and grusome. Hell this whole game is sad and grusome.
Also that was shorter than intended.

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