corona birthday

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(yes I drew that, it's beautiful isn't it?)

It was 8am and Baku was sound asleep....when he felt something crawl under him

And POP!
You pop up from under his blanket and yell "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!"

He flinched and opens his yes and once he sees you he smiles and puts his hands on your hips as you lean down to place a kiss on his lips

Y/N:"How does it feel to be 21?"

Baku:"Like I can finally be legaly drunk."

You giggle "oh yeah, there's a whole bottle of Jack and tequila waiting for u."

Baku:"Fuck yeah."

Y/N:"Too bad we can't go anywhere tho..."

He rolls his eyes "Corona can't keep me from having fun on my own birthday. The virus can go shove itself up it's own ass."

You tilt your head "Can it do that?"

Baku:"No you idiot. Now where's my breakfast?"

You get off of him and jump off the bed and bow "In the kitchen your magesty~"

He sits up and just chuckles at your gesture

Once he gets changed he heads to the kitchen to be greeted with the smell of pancakes and syrup~♥️

Baku:"Damn babe you really out did yourself..."

You turn around and hand him a smoothie

Y/N:"I try~"

After you both eat breakfast he leans back on the chair and says "I'm guessing we're just gonna watch movies all day? Corona style."

You shake your head "Nope. We might be in quarantine but that doesn't mean we can't do something fun."

He raises an eyebrow "Oh yeah? And what's that?"

You get up and walk towards a box and take out...

Baku:"No way- how the hell did you get the new Oculus rift?!"
(Virtual reality)

Y/N:"I have my ways. Now come on, I wanna see you fall on your ass when u play beat saber."

He gets up "alright, how do u set it up?"

Y/N:"Come with me."

You go upstairs to the game room and plug  the wires into the computer monitor and set everything up

Baku:"Look at my little engineer go."

You roll your eyes still smiling "It's just wires."

You takes the head set and put it on his head


Y/N:"Steady...I don't want u falling on me and crushing me to death."

You give him the controllers and he looks stupidly funny in the head set

He looks around and you can see what he's doing through the computer monitor

Y/N:"Click on the game"

He clicks it and then is in the game and picks a song

The blocks start comming at his face and he almost falls-


He trys to doge them but it makes him fail the level

Y/N:"Dummy- your supposed to hit the blocks! Not run away from them!"

Baku:"Well it's like their gonna hit my face if I don't!"

Y/N:"Click on easy mode."

He clicks it and starts to get the hang of it

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