Chapter 12

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Harry looks up at your and is shocked "woah, you look... amazing" he grins
You smile and look down at your dress "thanks"
He gets you in the car and drives you to the bar that you both first met in. You give him the "why are we here" look
"I know I know, but I thought maybe if we went back to the first place we met we could start over?" He smiles slightly.
2 hours pass
You both have been dancing and drinking for what seems like ages, suddenly a slow song comes on, Harry looks you in the eyes, you feel your heart skip a beat you almost drown in his brown eyes. Your mother always told you to fall in love with a mans eyes instead of their looks, and that's what you did with Harry.. although his good looks were an extra bonus.. but every time you look into his eyes.. you fall in love with him all over again, you take a deep breath as he pushes your hair behind your ear allowing him to see a perfect look at your face. You look down at his lips and frown as the memory of him kissing the girl flashes back into your mind, you close your eyes and swallow
"I need another drink" you say making sure you ruin the moment between you both. Harry lets out a little sigh and nods as he walks over to the bar. You sit down at the nearest booth and run your hand through your hair, you try your hardest to get the thought of Harry kissing the girl out of your head but you can't, it's like it's engraved into your brain. As you look over at the bar you see Harry talking to another girl, you watch him motion over to the booth that you're sat in
"If you invite her over here.. I'm going to kill you.." you mumble to yourself as you watch him.. but he does just that, you put on a fake smile as he walks over with the girl. As she comes closer you realise it's the girl he kissed on set.
"Brianna, this is y/n.." Harry smiles as he sits down in the booth opposite you.
"Hi y/n, I think we met on set a couple of months ago?" Brianna smiles sweetly
"No we didn't meet... I saw everything I needed to whilst he was leaving a hickey on your neck" you feel yourself stiffen you and get more angry with Harry
"Oh, haha, yeah about that. I'm sorry" Brianna laughs it off
"Sorry doesn't really fix it though does it?" You glare over at Harry as you drink your drink
"Well if it makes anything better, the Chinese you bought was amazing, me and Harry ate it when you left" she laughs
You laugh "oh wow.. that's nice! I'm glad you enjoyed mine and Harrys anniversary meal.. you know what?! I'm done" you stand up and grab you coat and bag "I can't do this.." you walk out,
Harry follows you "y/n wait please" he grabs your arm just as Holiday comes on
"No harry! I won't wait! You take me to the place we met to try and resolve things but instead you bring the slut you cheated on me with to join us?! Obviously she means so much more to you! And now we're arguing through my favourite song!" You feel tears fall down your cheeks "and now I'm crying! I actually hoped we could make this better.. but obviously we can't"
You don't give Harry a chance to talk before you walk out of the bar. You walk.. you don't know where you're going to go but you walk. You find yourself at the graveyard, sitting in front of your dads grave.
"Why do I keep fucking up dad? I love him so much, but I just can't deal with this anymore" you sniffle "if you were here none of this would of happened.. you'd have known before it even happened.. god I wish you were here" you take a deep breath and hear footsteps behind you.. and then a big thud
"Oh fuck" Harry whispers
"Are you okay?" You ask looking back in the direction you heard the noise from
"Yeah.. I think so?.. why don't they have lights in here, it's very dark and I think I landed in a load of mud.. or shit..." he groans as you laugh, turning your phone torch on
"Follow the light" you say
"Oh great, so now you're going to kill me" Harry jokes as he walks over to you Making you laugh
"I didn't mean it like that" you roll your eyes as he sits down next to you, It goes silent for while
"I'm sorry.. I didn't think before inviting her over to join us" Harry starts to ramble "It was just awkward on the dance floor and I wanted to make it a little casual because I didn't want to seem too far forward and..." you cut him off by kissing him, he instantly kisses back despite being shocked
You pull back "I love you Harry, but you have to stop this, it hurts. I don't want to be worrying about you every time you get in arms reach with another girl... if we're going to try again, I want things back to normal.. just us.. well and now Rupert"
You know Harrys grinning
"Is that his name? Rupert?"
You nod "yeah"
"Like the bear your dad showed Me?"
"Yes, it's a cute name and he looks like the teddy bear... plus he reminds me of my dad with the way he snores" you laugh softly.
Harry places his arm around you as you lean into him. You pull back instantly "yeah that's definetly shit you landed in.. you stink" you stand up "come back to mine and have a Shower.. and maybe stay the night?"
"Yeah, Id like that"
The ride back to yours was full of laughter and you complaining about how bad Harry smelt. You unlock the door and let him in
"Right, shoes off I'll wash them for you" you look him up and down as he takes his shoes off
"Yeah I'm going to need your jeans and shirt too, it's all over you" you laugh
He groans "had to be me didnt it" he takes off all his clothes and is left stood at the front door in his boxers and socks,
"Go on up to the shower and I'll be there with the towel and clean clothes" you smile sweetly as your eyes travel down
"Hey... eyes are up here" Harry laughs rolling his eyes before walking upstairs and getting into the shower.

You try your hardest to clean the most of it off the clothes before throwing them all into the washing machine. You scrub his shoes clean, making them look cleaner than they were before he even fell, you finally run upstairs grab a towel from the cupboard and then going into your bedroom and grabbing the T-shirt, boxers and joggers of his that you still have. You look at yourself in the mirror making sure you look okay before knocking on the bathroom door
"I have the clothes and towel" you say
"Thankyou!" He opens the door slightly and puts his hand out and grabs them
"I'll go make a cup a tea for us both" you smile
"That'll be great thankyou" he grins
You get into your pjs and go and make the teas. As your getting the milk Harry slides his arms around your waist causing you to jump.
"Hmmm, can I put my own milk in?" Harry says as he cuddles you
You laugh and nod "please do, I'll end up killing myself putting that much milk in a lovely cup of tea"
He rolls his eyes as he takes the milk out of your hand and pours more or less half the bottle into his mug.
5 months later
You and Harry chose to give it another go, you've now been together for 4 months. Harry's acting has flown right off, he's now nearly as famous as his brother. But now it's going to get harder than ever.. he's leaving to film his biggest movie. You're stood at the Gate of the plane that he's boarding. You're cuddling him wishing you didn't have to let him go.
"Boarding now open for gate 19" the lady at the desk yells
You sigh loudly and frown, Harry leans down and kisses your head
"it's time darling" he says softly
You sighs again "I knowww" you whine as you look up at him.
He gets out his passport and boarding pass as he gives his mum and dad and hug goodbye, he saves you for last. He kisses you holds you close and tight
"Wait for me, I'll be back before you know it.. I promise" he wipes his tear before you can see it, you nod back knowing if you said anything you'd break down into tears.
"I love you" are the last words he says to you before he turns around and boards his plane
"I love you too" you whisper.

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