Chapter 5

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2 weeks later
Today's the day, you Harry and Tom are off to Morocco. You're sat in the airport vip lounge waiting to be allowed to board the plane. Tom made it very clear that you and Harry had to wear some sort of disguise, but they didn't work. You've had over 40 girls scream and pull at you, you've gotten lost twice in crowds of people and Toms lost his hat .. and lets be honest with a haircut like his? Who wouldn't notice him?
You yawn and rest your head on Harrys shoulder as you cuddle his arm watching him edit his recent video of the brothers trust event that happened 2 weeks ago.
"Ooh look at this beautiful lady.. mum must of taken this" he grins as he zooms in on a clip of you eating a cupcake behind Harrys back hiding from the fans,
You laugh "oh my god, that's horrendous.. now you know why I didn't want anyone to see me eating it" you look up at him and grin
"You're beautiful no matter what you're doing" he smiles sweetly as he looks down at you and kisses your lips
"God guys. I feel sick already don't need you guys eating each other's faces too" Tom groans as he sips his coffee
"Well if you got up earlier and ate before travelling you wouldn't feel sick" Harry looks over at him
"Alright, who are you? My mum?" Tom rolls his eyes. You smile softly and sips your hot chocolate as you continue watching Harry edit
"H-hi sorry to interrupt but I was wondering if I could get a photo with you Tom?"
You and Harry look up from The laptop to see a small girl stood there, she kind of reminded you of a very young zendaya. You look at Tom for his response
"Yeah of course darling, Harry? Can you take it?" he stands up "what's your name lovely?"
"Nina" she smiles sweetly, blushing slightly as she pushes her glasses up as she passes Harry her phone
"That's a lovely name" Tom stands next to her, crouched slightly so they both can fit in the photo, he smiles for the photo with his arm around her.
You smile watching them, realising how lovely Tom was to his fans.. and yet how rude and mean some of them can be to him. You sit back in your seat.
"I just want to say Y/n, I think you're beautiful and a perfect girlfriend for harry. I know you've been getting hate from some people but don't listen to them, you're prefect for each other" Nina smiles sweetly at you
"See, I'm not the only one who thinks you're beautiful" Harry grins
You blush slightly and laugh softly "Thankyou, it's been hard but he's worth it" you smile sweetly and look at Harry who's already admiring you.
Nina stays and talks about the upcoming movies with Tom, but is called back by her family "I better get going, our planes boarding" she smiles and thanks Tom and Harry for the photo and the chat and leaves.
"She was lovely" Harry says as he moves his attention back to his laptop
"She's got to be the first nice fan I've met of yours today" you laugh softly as you look at Tom
"Yeah" he laughs "she proves there's some good ones out there"

Minutes pass and Tom goes silent as he puts all his attention into his phone
"Bro we have 20 mins till we're boarding, get your stuff ready" Harry says as he shuts his laptop down.
Tom doesn't respond
You yawn and stretch making sure you have everything
"Oi" Harry kicks tom lightly under the table
"What?!" Tom snaps back at him "I'm trying to talk to my girlfriend right now!"
Harry raises his eyebrows "I was telling you to get your stuff together.. we have 20 minutes.. don't start with your attitude"
"Don't start with my attitude?.. maybe if your girlfriend wasn't so headfucked and needed babysitting every minute of the day I wouldn't have to be messaging Jacquie!" Toms word hurt.. like really hurt..
you get up grabbing your suitcase and rucksack too and walk to the gate of the plane. You couldn't sit there and listen to him slag you off like that.
Harry shakes his head at Tom "you can find your own way to the gate.. there was no need for that.. you know what she's going through." Harry throws toms boarding pass and passport at him before leaving with his stuff to go find you.
You're walking around the little shop to see what snacks you can get for the journey, you look at the chocolate and grab the large packet minstrels
"I heard that the double deckers here are duo" Harry says over your shoulder
"They are but they're tiny, not worth the £3" you smile awkwardly and turn round to face him, you sigh "I'm sorry, I've fucked things up for him haven't I?"
Harry shakes his head "no you haven't, he's just being a dickhead. Him and Jacquie are having a weird , he hasn't spoken to her properly since they were both at ours for mine and sams birthday"
You frown a little "should i talk to her? I could maybe find out what's happening?"
Harry smiles "yeah, I think she could do with a friend"

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