Chapter 7

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It's now been 9 months since Harry left for work..
"If I was pregnant.. I would of had a baby now" you look over at Julia as you sip your tea And sigh
"Look girl.. I know you miss him and everything but it's not like he's ended your relationship to go gallivanting off with other girls" Julia takes a mouthful of her coffee 
"How do I know that though? I only get to see him when he's laying in bed alone.." you feel your bottom lip stick out "with out me.." you tear up a little
"Oh don't start crying over him sleeping alone" Jacquie laughs "would you rather him be sleeping with someone else?"
"You guys are so mean" you laugh "I mean you both don't have to be without your guys for long.. Tom brings you everywhere with him" you wave your hand in Jacquie's direction "and sam never leaves the bloody country" you look over at Julia again
Julia laughs "that's true.. talking about sam.. he wants to cook you dinner, last time he was round he said there was a little too many takeaway boxes and McDonald's bags in your recycling bin."
You sigh "I don't know, he's.."
"Too much like Harry?" Jacquie cuts her off
"Y-yeah.." you look down at your hands before checking the time to see if you can call Harry.. "it's 4pm there.. is that too early for me to call him?"
Julia sighs " he needs to know how this is messing you up.. I say call him and get it sorted"
You swallow as you text Harry

Y/n: Hey, is it okay to Call? I miss you xo
Harry: Harrys busy right now..

You frown "what the fuck?" You show Julia and Jacquie the message
"What the fuck!?" You stand up and walk away from your phone "he's cheating on me..I fucking told you!!" You laugh loudly throwing your head back as you start to cry " I can't believe it.. wait no.. I actually can"
Jacquie looks at the message just as it says he's typing
"He's typing again" Julia looks over at you As you pace breathing heavily tying your hair up into a ponytail

Harry: Hey sorry babe, I was in a meeting with the director and I had to leave my phone out of the room. Of course you can call, I miss you too darling 😘 x

Julia smiles softly "see it's all okay, he was in a meeting"
You sniffle as you stop crying and proper calm yourself down "wait what?.. why would he let someone else have his phone?"
Jacquie smiles "go call him, we'll wait here for you to finish.. I need another tea anyway"
You nod as you walk towards the bedroom calling Harry

"Hey baby, how have you been today?" You close your eyes as your heart aches for him, You sigh as you feel a tear fall down your cheek "Hey.. don't cry, you'll start me off" He knew exactly what was happening even though he couldn't see you. You laugh softly as you sniffle
"I just miss you too much" you lay on the bed, resting your head on his pillow
"I miss you too darling, it won't be long till I'm home and you'll be wishing I was back out here again" he laughs as he walks through the hallways, you can hear lot of people talking around him
"I don't think I'll ever wish for this again, but anyway how's your morning been?" You try to change the subject so you can't stop crying
"It's been okay, very stressful and tiring, we've got a big afternoon of filming, we had to look through the stuff from yesterday and see if it was all good" he rambles on about his work and you just lay there and listen to him, saying yeah and no when it's needed.
"Right, I've got to go y/n, I'll talk to you again tonight okay?.. I love you" Harry cuts the call short
You sigh softly "yeah okay, I love you too Harry"
He hangs up

You lay on his side of the bed for a couple of minutes before bringing yourself to get up and out and you go back to sitting with the girls and drinking tea and coffee

2 days later

"So!" sam places a load plastic microwaveable containers onto your kitchen island "these will last a week, they're all lunch and dinners, everything you will eat.. I got the favourites off of mum so there's some in there"
You smile softly "thanks sam" you start to put them in your fridge that is absolutely empty
"And no more takeaways, Harry doesn't want to come home to a chunky and unhealthy Y/n" sam laughs
You laugh softly with him to avoid awkwardness
"Anyway, mum wants you over for family dinner tonight. Toms over and everyone" he pauses for a moment "well everyone other than Harry"
You smile sweetly trying to get out of leaving The house "I'll thinking about it"
"Oh.. when mum wants you over she really means you're coming over whether you like it or not.. so Toms gonna come pick you up about 6" he smiles "I'll see you later" he lets himself out

You sigh and walk to the bedroom and get settled for a nap. You sleep for what seems like only 20 minutes but turns out to be 3 hours when you're woken up by Tessa licking your face and Tom raiding your cupboards.
You smile and cuddle Tess "hi princess, how have you been?" You get up and walk down stairs
"Morning" Tom says as he turns round with a mouthful of rich tea biscuit
"I'm sorry, I'm not feeling it today" you try again to get out of the family meal
"Nonsense.. you're coming. Go get changed and freshen up, I'll make you a coffee" Tom moves his head in the direction of the stairs
You sigh and get yourself back up stairs. You sit in front of the dressing table and think to yourself
"Photos will be taken, they will be shown to Harry.. so if he is cheating.. wouldn't it be nice for him to see what he's missing?" You smirk to yourself before you start working on your masterpiece of an outfit.

1 hour later
You check yourself out in the mirror smile and nod. Although you're still wearing casual clothing, you look bomb..
You walk downstairs
"Right I'm ready, let's go" you say as you grab your coffee and chug it quickly
Tom stands there shocked "wow.. Erm you look really nice y/n"
You roll your eyes and shake your head "put your eyes back it your head before I tell Jacquie"
Tom swallows and nods and grabs his car keys as you grab tess's lead
"Come on then princess, let's go have nice cuddles" you smile as you walk to the front door grabbing your house keys

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