Chapter 11

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It's been 6 months since you ended things with Harry, you've moved out of the house that you both lived and you've gotten yourself a dog, named Rupert. You and Rupert go everywhere together. Since being single you've been able to focus on your career, you now work as a casting agent for an acting agency... an agency that hired Harry two weeks ago, you haven't seen him yet, but you're sure you will soon. You and Rupert are both in your office, he's laying on your lap as you take phone calls. Your boss walks in and places a new file on your look over at her "what's this?" You ask as you pick it up
"New actor, he's all yours. He needs work ASAP, start him off small. He'll be coming in tomorrow morning" she smiles "good luck" she walks out leaving you with a file
As you open it and start reading you flick to the headshots.. it's Harry.. you let out a big sigh "well Rupert, we have lots of work to do" you lean down and kiss his head as he looks up at you.
That night
You're sat with Jacquie and Julia having a girly night in at Jacquie's and Toms whilst drinking wine. Jacquie's now given birth to her son who is spending the night  at Nikki's & Dom's. Rupert is laying on your lap as you sit in the armchair, Julia is sat on one sofa and Jacquie is sat on the other sofa
"Guess who my new client is at work" you say as you sip your glass of red wine
"Tom Hardy" Julia guesses, you shake your head
"Chris Pratt?" Jacquie asks
"Nope, he's a little well known to all of us.. although I'd love to be in the same room as Chris Pratt" you laugh
Julia gasps "he's married y/n!"
"Noooooo.... is it Harry?" Jacquie gasps
You nod "of all people.. I get harry"
"Tom told me about him getting into acting but I didn't think he'd actually do it" Jacquie says as she sits comfortably and sips her wine
"Do you think he knows I work there?, I haven't spoken to him for almost 6 months"  you chew your lip softly as you pet Rupert
"I don't think so?.. Unless Tom told him?" Jacquie shrugs her shoulders
You nod "should I unblock him on social media? I mean we're going to be talking in the morning so he'll soon know"
"It's up to you, I wouldn't incase your boss sees that you know him and you end up loosing a client, it'll go against your record" Julia looks over at you

The next morning
You've made a little bit more effort with your outfit today, you secretly want Harry to be jealous that you've got a decent job and that you're doing fine without him. You walk into your office, letting Rupert off of his lead before walking out to grab your morning cup of tea, you walk back towards your office looking down at your phone checking your texts and voicemail from the previous night. You sit down at your desk and check your emails as you drink your tea, you keep an eye on the time to make sure you're ready for Harry coming in.
It's now only 20 minutes until Harrys going to arrive. You have a quick look at his headshots again and finish printing out the work he can do.
"Hey, I'm here a little early. I have an appointment in like 20 minutes?" You hear Harry talking to your assistant
"Yep! I'll just go check is she's ready for you. You can go down the hallway and grab yourself a coffee or tea while you wait" she smiles
You take a deep breath and finish your cup of tea as your assistant walks in
"Your 10:30 is here, do you want me to send him in?" She smiles sweetly
"Yeah please, could you also grab me another tea please?" You smile
"He's very cute, he might even be Mr right for you? He seems your type" she laughs softly as she grabs your mug
"We've already been there and tried it" you smile awkwardly
"Oh my gosh, that's Harry?.." she gasps "oh lord.. I'm so sorry" she starts to ramble
"Look, it's fine.. I'm trying to keep it on the low.. This is my first client and I don't want to loose a client because of bad history" you smile "just get my tea and send him in please"
"Yes yes of course sorry y/n" she does a little facepalm as she walks out of your office
You take a deep breath and sort your hair out, you look over at Rupert and smile as he snores loudly
Soon enough your assistant is back with your cup of tea and Harry.
Harry stops in his track as he realises it's you. Your assistant walks out and shuts the door behind her
"Y/n? I didn't know you were a casting agent?" Harry looks shocked
"Yup, have been for 5 months now, you're my first client so let's not mess this up" you motion for him to sit down in front of your desk as you grab the file of jobs you made him. He sits awkwardly, you both hadn't seen never mind spoken to each other for 6 months. You pass him the file of the work and watch his flick through it.
"These are all great, I'd take any of them" he says with a grin
"Well we can do the 2 London films along side each other, they're both only 4 months filming starting in 3 months time and then after that see how you're doing and then get onto a bigger one?" You day as you go through the criteria on your computer.
Harry nods "yeah I'm chill with that.. so are you going to be my agent from now on?"
"Yeah, unless you choose to change agents" you smile slightly
"So I guess if I was to ask you out for a drink have to say no?" Harry asks with a little bit of a grin
"Harry.." you run your hand through your hair
"I know I messed up last time but let's give it another go... I've not stopped thinking about you since the night in the hotel room" he bites his lip softly
"Fine, but one drink nothing else" you sighs softly
                  Later that evening
You're sat in your bedroom, Julia and Jacquie on your bed. Julia drinking wine, Jacquie drinking apple juice with her son George sitting on her lap, whilst you get ready
"I'm so nervous... like I known damn well if he makes a move I can't hold myself back.. I'm still so god damn in love with him" you say as you do your makeup in the mirror
"Maybe this is right, maybe you two need to try it out again?" Julia says as she cuddles Rupert
"Hmm I agree, personally it's a lil awkward for us two because we're basically Harrys sister in laws.." Jacquie says as she play with George's hair
"so you think I shouldn't hold back?" You stand up and walk to your wardrobe, pulling out Harrys favourite dress, which is short and low cut
"Yes girl! That's what I'm talking about!" Julia yells and claps her hands "go get your man!"
You laugh and shake your head.
In under an hour you're ready, you sit back  at your dressing table and sip on a glass of red wine.
"I'm nervous guys.." you check your phone which is on charge next to you "he's not usually on time so I know he's either going to be very early or a little late.. and that's bugging me too" As you put your phone down Harry rings you
"Hey, I think I've gotten the wrong address or I've pressed the wrong button because an old lady came out and said that you don't live in the apartment block anymore and then her cats tried to attack me" Harry says as he bites his thumb,
You laugh "I'll come down, that's Dorris.. she's not my biggest fan, her cats don't like my dog"
"Okay, I'll see you soon" he sighs and hangs up
You look at the girls "he's here... Just let yourselves out when you've finished your drinks okay?" You get up grabbing your coat, bag, keys and phone on your way.
You walk downstairs and take a deep breath before opening the door and walking down the front steps to Harry.

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