Chapter 3

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After getting Harry up of the floor you take him out to the booth and sit him down so he's on the end of the booth and you sit next to him. As soon as you sit down he rests his head on your shoulder and falls asleep, you smile and kiss the top of his head letting him sleep on you.

2 hours later

Harry finally wakes up and stretches
"Feeling better old man?" Julia laughs
Harry laughs and nods "yeah I feel better now" he moves his attention to you "have you got any paracetamol babe?"
You nod and get the strip out of your handbag popping 2 out for him
"So club?" Tom asks
"Yes!" Sam yells as he slams his empty beer glass down
"Of course" Julia smiles
Jacquie nods wanting to stay with Tom
You look at Harry for his answer
"Yeah go on then, but I'm not drinking anymore" Harry smiles as he rests his hand on your thigh,
you smile "yeah alright then let's go"

The transport to the club is full of loud music and The gang singing along to the songs.
Harry leans down and speaks softly in your ear "I want you to have fun, I've already ruined your night.. I'll take care of you this time" he kisses your temple
You smile up at him and shake your head "I'm not getting drunk.."

3 hours later
Well.. that was a lie..
you sit down in the VIP booth next to Harry and sigh
"what's up princess?" He smiles,
"I failed.." you pout
"What do you mean?" He frowns slightly and pushes your hair behind your ear
"I'm drunk.. and I said I wasn't going to be" you pout even more
Harry laughs and shakes his head kissing your pout just as Tom walks over with a tray of shots. You pull away from the kiss and grab 3 shots taking them quickly before moving so your sat on Harrys lap facing him
"I love you Harry Robert Holland" you slur as you lean down to kiss his neck
"And I love you too y/f/n.. even when you're completely hammered" he chuckles
"Jacquie has had to go home" Tom interrupts you both "she said she'll be round in the morning to give you and sam your presents"
"Ah sick okay, is she okay?" Harry asks as he plays with your hair
"Yeah, she seemed fine bro" Tom shrugs his shoulders before taking a shot
You move so you're sat sideways on Harrys lap as you start to search the dance floor for Julia.. you soon find her dancing with sam.. his hands all upon her waist and ... boom.. they kiss..
"Oh my god!" You tap Harrys chest repeatedly "Ju-julia and sam just kissed!"
You were shocked to the core.. it had been a year since sam broke up with his ex and he was so caught up on her, he thought he'd never find anyone else, he thought his love life was over.
"Finally, he's moving on" Harry smiles as he turns his attention to sam
"They're cute together" you smile

You jump up as yours and Harrys favourite song comes on.
"Come on we have to dance" you grin and grab Harrys hand pulling him up and leading him to the dance floor.
He laughs as you start to sing and rap along. He dances with you and twirls you around.
You look him in the eyes as you rap "I know you're really busy and I know you got plans but are you really too busy for a suntan?"
He grins and taps back to you "I ain't talking about walking down the high street I'm talking about laying on a bright white beach"
You laugh as you dance and rap "with a piña colada or whatever you'd rather!"
"White wine that's fine just give me a lager"he grabs your hip and pulls you closer as he dances with you  
"Then after well take a trot to the night spot the hot spot top spot party around the clock" you shock him as he's never heard you rap this part
"Go on babe!" He laughs
"And when we get there it's strictly VIP no need for ID security know me! No waiting in line no high entry fees don't worry about nothing when you're beside me!" You grin and look up at him
He licks his lips and leans down kissing you, the kiss was full of pure love,
As he pulls away he smirks "let's get out of here" he says in your ear "I want you all to myself"
You smile and nod
You head off to grab your bag and both of your jackets from the cloak room as Harry heads to the booth
"Hey bro" he walks up behind sam who's got Julia on his lap whilst they kiss.. violently. Sam pulls back and looks over his shoulder at him
"oh Erm sorry to interrupt but me and y/n are going to head off, well be over at mums at midday" Harry smiles softly
Sam nods in response obviously too drunk to even comprehend what he was saying.
Harry walks out to the exit and sees you on your phone, he walks up behind you, but stops in his tracks as he sees another man sliding his arms around your waist
"Alright love?" The man smirks
You pull yourself out of his hold "sorry, I have a boyfriend"
"I bet he's nothing like Me" the man bites his lip looking you up and down
Harry stands behind the man and looks over his shoulder at you "is this div annoying you babe?"
You smile and nod "yeah, he thinks he's better than you"
The man turns round and sees Harry "Erm Yo Bro I'm sorry, she didn't tell me she was dating Tom Holland's brother"
You shrug your shoulders "you never asked"
Harry takes hold of your hand and smiles awkwardly at the man before leading you away from the man and in the direction of your house.
You giggle as you put Harrys arm around your shoulders, keeping hold of his hand

The walk back to yours and Harrys house was full of drunken giggles along with a trip to McDonald's

As soon as you get home You strip yourself down to your underwear and get yourself into bed almost instantly falling asleep as you lay your head down on your pillow

Next morning

You wake up at 7am, no hangover.. you smile as you see Harry asleep with one arm up above his head and one leg out of the duvet. You slip out of the bed and quietly shower and dress yourself ready for the day. You let Harry have a couple more hours.
You walk downstairs and make a fresh pot of coffee before sitting down at the piano with a mug of coffee. You softly play "I was made for loving you" by Tori Kelly, you sing quietly not wanting to wake Harry
"Just take my hand, I was made for loving you, even though we may be hopeless heart just passing through, every bone screaming I don't know what we should do, all I know is darling I was made for loving you"

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