Chapter Nineteen

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After everything was planned in the police station,on my way out I could feel safwan's eyes on me but i feigned not to notice am upset with him,but I don't know why.
We all went on the same car,both of us occupied the front sit and baffa with safwan's dad occupied the back sit the ride was silent as everybody was touched with my utterance,thank god my marriage with her so called mr.private has been cancelled since he's son refuse the offer but I never mentioned this may be some other time in future .
I could still feel his gaze on me but I can't help it at all please don't bore holes on me spare me he only splash me a smile.
On reaching home umma was back so l and baffa went in first so by saying salam she answered and gestured me to sit take this,my heart was beating very fast as l could observe how her eyes were making their moves .
I feigned a smile but on reaching to the tip of my lips the cup was smashed away from me by safwan saying I can't risk your life this time I've got you after a longtime I love you soulmate stay with me tears kept flowing I love you too safwan before I could speak a word umma was trying to sneak out but she was stopped right in time mr.Nnamdi threaten , she was shouting am not the only one he was the one helping me Alhaji Abdulazeez I don't want to die please forgive me,saudah please forgive me I know I've wrong you but please saudah don't turn away from me 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭I need you no !!!!!you murdered my parents just for money you want firm but what I want a mother's love which you deprive me of that I hate you stay away from me but to my utmost surprise from milk to pink coloured milk,immediately the doctor was summoned and the test was confirm ,poison was mixed inside the milk and it could kill in less than 10minutes.
With that she was found guilty and arrested her phone beep,the call was put on speaker it says your service is no more needed start counting your death by now.

God will purnish you ,ungrateful fellow 😭😭😭😭😭.
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The call was ended,umma was dragged to the police station as news was spread Alhaji Abdulazeez is planing to flee away from the country but he was caught before it's too late
Umma was taken to the hospital she was unconscious due to the poison she consume but thank god she was saved because I never want her to experience a simple death .

Four days after the arrest ,everything start coming back to normal and also accepting the fact of me been with my parent murderer.
Weeks passed with days ,3 days to be called mrs safwan hahhh Mam F I promise to keep that necklace all my life it's a promise I love you mom 😭😭.

Two days to my wedding I received a news from Baffa saying umma is no more and Alhaji was given life imprisonment but in the next five minutes we received a news saying he's no more due to his blood pressure and his family disowning him they don't need him in their life's he was frustrated and that leads to his death.

That was very bad ,I also got to know he's khairu's dad but what he's a murderer safwan was the one telling me all about them we felt very bad but what justice was made.

Right from that day happiness was what seems to be blooming no more sorrows .

With that we left all the bad memories in the past and promised to focus on our future.
And then we became happily ever after 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰.

For all hurt souls sadness never last long but what they make you feel you are strong ,strong enough to fight your battles never loose in the end love always grow.

The End

Thank you very much for all those lovely readers who tried to spare their time to read on this novel saudah indeed am grateful May the lord continue to bless you all Amin.


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