You Put The Music In My Heart

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Today was they day. I was finally going to get to see my best friend from high school again. I hadn’t seen him in so long and he was the only friend I had in school. We both hated High school but we got each other through it. He had changed a lot since then though. He was defiantly, Let’s say…. More well known now. The fasten seat belt sign lit up above my head. I was just moments away from landing in America. Minutes away from seeing him again.

He had a girlfriend now, I was praying it wasn’t going to be awkward between us. We only dated a few weeks and it was nothing serious. We were still good friends. I felt the plane’s tyres hit the runway. The captain started talking, I wasn’t listening. I was just focusing on getting off the plane as fast as possible. I was only staying in America for a week but I knew it was going to be amazing. I was going to Warped tour! I had always wanted to go but I never had the money.

I walked through the airport watching stressed parents walk passed with their jetlagged kids and cute couples holding hands. I collected my bags and headed for the exit. What if he had changed so much I didn’t want to be friends with him anymore. What if he didn’t like me? What if he didn’t recognise me? I wasn’t exactly covered in tattoos in high school. I hadn’t changed that much. Had I?

I reached the exit and looked around I couldn’t see him. He had forgotten about me. I looked at my watch and as I looked up I saw a group of boys walking my way. They were all wearing black jeans and had long hair. All the teenage girls turned and gasped. It made me laugh a little bit. The boys were looking straight at me.

“Alex!” He yelled hugging me.

“Ben” I said hugging him back.

He hadn’t changed

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