Part 18

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"Thanks for dropping me off guys." I smiled to Ben, Danny, James, Cameron and Sam. We were sat on the tour bus on the way to the airport.

"I'm going to miss having a girl on the bus" Danny smiled

"Yeah you cleaned up our shit for us" James laughed

"I wish you didn't have to go" Ben said putting his arm around me.

"There's nothing keeping me here anymore. There was, but things changed" I said thinking about Alan

"Does this have anything to do with the ginger haired lover boy" Ben winked.

"Yeah. He just, I don't know" I said seeing Sam look uncomfortable from the corner of my eye "He acted like I had done something wrong."

Austin saw Alan sat by himself on the bench out front.

"Hey man." Austin said sitting next to him.

"Hey." Alan mumbled.

"Dude, you can't go on being miserable. Go tell her how you feel" Austin said

"But she kissed Sam after our date." Alan moaned "I can't anyway. She's at the airport."

"And you're sat here doing nothing?!" Austin jumped up "you love her and don't pretend you don't. So get off your ass and go get her!"

"You're right." Alan said jumping up and running to his car.

We arrived at the airport. I let Ben, Danny, Cameron and James get off the bus. Just as Sam was stepping of I grabbed his arm.

"What did you do Sam?" I said knowing he had told Alan about us.

"What do you mean I haven't done anything" Sam said looking at the floor.

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