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"daddy! daddy!" I heard my son say from upstairs as hayes walked into his room.

colton is 5 years old, which means I had him when we were 23, a couple months after we got married.

today was monday... which means Colton had preschool, and hayes and I have work.

hayes has his own tv show and i work in an office, nothing huge.

"good morning mommy" colt came down the stairs.

hayes had dressed him in khakis and a shirt that was blue on the sleeves but grey everywhere else.

"hi colt, how did you sleep?" I said, crouching down to give him a hug

"good! when are you and daddy going to re-do my room? I want it all decorated with FOOTBALLLLL" he said in a silly voice.

"soon" hayes said taking a sip of his coffee

I sat Colton down with some cereal while I pulled hayes aside

"wanna do it today?" we both said at the same time

"I guess that's a yes then" I laughed

we walked back into the kitchen as I pulled out my phone to call matt

I stepped into the family room

"hey matt what are you doing today?" I asked

"uhh nothing why" he asked

"can you drop Colton off and pick him up from pre-school? hayes and I are re-doing his room like he's wanted it for a while" I said

"of course! I'll be over right now" matt said

"thank you so much" I said and hung up

I went back into the kitchen to see Colton on hayes's lap, they were pulling funny faces on each other, adorable

then there was a knock

"colton, its for you! go answer it" I said

he got off hayes lap and ran to the door and opened it

"uncle matt!!" Colton said and jumped into his arms

"hey buddy whats up!" matt said giving him a kiss on the cheek

"what are you doing here?" colt asked him

"he's gonna drive and pick you up from pre-school, you guys are gonna have a uncle matt and Colton day" I said

"yay!!! can we go to Starbucks after school? I wanna get mommy her favorite drink" he said smiling

"of course"

"ok well... well gotta get going. say bye to mommy and daddy" matt said putting him down

he ran to hayes and have him a hug and a kiss and then to me

they left the house

"ready?" hayes said

"ready." I said

we waited until the boys were out of sight to get into the car and drive to the store.

we got blue paint, decals of footballs and his favorite players to put on the walls, and words like "touchdown!" and "fumble!"

that took and hour at the store so we were hungry and of course so Panera. man I will never get over that place.

he got our Panera and then went to target to get him a big jets blanket for his bed because that's his favorite team. even though we live in cali.

I walked into target and saw the perfect blanket

"your gonna get that one?" hayes said pointing to the one I was looking at

"mhm" I said running and grabbing it

"perfect" hayes said as we walked to the register hand in hand

we only had four hours left

as we paid for the blanket and left, hayes pulled out his phone and called matt

"yo matt...can you do us a favor?...after you get Colton from school and go to Starbucks could you like take him to a movie so the paint will have time to dry?... I promise I'll give you money when we get back.,, okay thank you" hayes said and hung up

"let's go paint a room" hayes said

we sped home and as soon as we pulled up I ran and unlocked the door so I could help hayes bring all the stuff in

we finally got it all up to his room

{ five hours later }

it was now 4:30 and the boys should be home any minute

*knock knock knock* I ran to answer the door

I opened it and matt was carrying Colton

"hey colton, hey matt, how did your day go? " I asked letting them in as matt put Colton down

I watching him run into hayes arms

"it was grATE" he said sounding out the word

"when uncle matt picked me up we got starbucks and then went to see a MOVIE!!!" Colton said

"here's your drink" matt said and handed it to me

"thanks matt" I said

"well while you and uncle matt were out me and mommy were working hard in a surprise for you...wanna see?" hayes said

coltons eyes went wide

"yes!" he said

"well let's go!" hayes took his hand and ran upstairs with him as matt and I followed

we had the door closed so we could open it and surprise him

"what's the surprise?!" he screamed in excitement

"I hope you like it" I said open in the door so reveal all new blue walls, the football decals on the wall, and a new blanket on his bed

he walked in the room slowly, taking in every little detail

"oh my gosh I love it! thank you mommy and daddy and uncle matt!" he said giving all three of Us a hug

"Colton the game is on right now...wanna watch it in your new room?" matt said

"mhm, cmon daddy and uncle matt...mommy do you wanna watch too?" he said

"no thank you baby, I have to cook diner" I said

without any other words he ran upstairs into his room and turned on the tv and started watching

"matt you wanna stay for dinner?"

"I would love to" he responded

"you guys comin'?" Colton yelled

"yeah one sec" hayes yelled back

we watched him from downstairs jumping up and down on his bed and smiling like crazy

"we have a beautiful son" hayes said in my ear

" we certainly do" I smiled

matt walked up the stairs into the room

"I love you" hayes said

"I love you too" hayes said putting his lips onto mine

I was finally, living my dream. and I defiantly loved it.

okay guys some of you were asking for a epilogue so there it is.. I hope you've all enjoyed this story and thank you all so much for reading. don't forget to tell your friends, keep voting and giving feedback. if yall have any questions or requests on this book, feel free to message me here:) thank you guys so much...its been real. comment on one of my photos on Instagram "cool" so I know your not some creepy random person

personal ig- @oliviarosario (DM me first im on private )
fan account ig- @cuddlingmattheww
Twitter- @oliviarosarioo

and a YouTube channel soon to come;)

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