chapter 19

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y'all are gonna kill me for this but here it is...



I woke up to the feeling of big strong arms wrapped around me. I turned around and saw my amazing boyfriend. matt.

ok, here's what happened. the day me and hayes broke up, we made up and got back together. it turns out it wasn't him in the picture. but little things kept causing disruptions in our relationship.

our relation ship was getting better until nash, cam, and carter moved to LA. and hayes went to visit them alot. then eventually he moved in with them. we would text a lot in the Begining, but after a while, they got more famous and more busy. I couldn't stand not being with him, so I broke up with him.

a couple months after, Mathew asked me out. i was 17, he was 20. I said yes. then a month after that, Matthew got invited to stay in LA with the guys. when I found out I was upset, but then he said that he asked them and the guys said they would be happy to have me come along with matthew. of course my mom said yes and I was allowed to go.

Carter's lung cancer was gone. he was a lot better and he was able to do things with us now.

all the boys and I were close and I loved it.

we've had Taylor and the jacks and aaron over a couple times and it was really fun. last time they came over was like last week. we had such a good time.

most of the "original magcon" crew have moved into acting and have been in one or two professional movies. but as of Matthew nash and cam, they've been in three or four, and they were really good!

all of them have gotten huge on YouTube and vine it's really amazing.

landon is at home with skylynn and Elizabeth.

cam has a girlfriend, and so does carter. nash has one real girlfriend through out this time, and hayes has had a couple, but they weren't serious. so right now the griers are single.

so as of right now, Matt and I have been dating for two years. honestly I love him. and he loves me. were really happy together and I couldn't ask for a better person to be with.

as I was looking at Matthew I heard a knock on the door. I looked up and it was nash.

"hey" I whispered

he waved and sat down on the edge of the bed

"what's up" he said

"nothin, just thinking, I guess" I replied, coming through matts un-gelled hair.

"you guys are adorable" he said

"thanks" I said and smiled at him, then at matt.

"you guys are totally in looovvee" nash said making kissy faces.

I giggled

"shut up" I said swatting him away

"fine fine fine, but I didn't get my morning hug" nash said giving me a bone crushing hug

"yeah, love you nash" I wheezed

he got up and left me and matts room

"mattttt wake upppp" I groaned.

"hhmm?"he said In a raspy voice, slowly opening his eyes

he turned to me and smiled

"morning gorgeous" he said

"morning handsome" I said back smiling.

when ever I'm with him, theres always a smile on my face

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