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The swaying of the grass caused by the cool breeze

The sound of flowing water from the river bank

Explosions in the sky, it brightened up that night

The faceless crowd, I can feel their happiness

Dried leaves on the ground blown by gentle winds

Running children, it all made me smile

The chirping of the birds, the singing by the band

Yet my feet start to run, seeking something that is not there


And even if I am lost in such a wonderful sight

I just can't seem to enjoy it

So I feigned ignorance to the fact that I am alone


To the one that I used to dream for whenever I am alone

Under this sky painted orange and red

The illusion of someone placing flowers on my head

This ephemeral happiness gone and replaced by grief

And all these tears for something that I can only wish


The beautiful colors filling my sight

It is highlighting the fact that here alone I stand

And I can't escape the throes of loneliness

All my wishes have vanished to the red sunset


But even if I am lost in such a wonderful scenery

There is no point in enjoying it

When I have nobody beside me I can share it with


I gave my beloved phantom this heartfelt thanks

Under this sky glowing orange and red

A temporary warmth replaced the echoing ache

As the midnight stars shone without its usual glint

These burning tears, is this what pain really is?


And as I kept walking through this lonely road

The search continues still, as if there is no definite ending


To the one that I used to dream for whenever I am alone

Under the sunset of velvety red

Just like cherry blossom leaves flying with the wind,

As time continue flowing, the pain ebbs away

The more I experience, I learn more of my wish

Memories and HeartachesWhere stories live. Discover now