Falling For You

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I know for you it means not a thing

And I know that it's not just me

Yet here I am, falling for you

I wonder how all this would go


With a wave and a smile

You turned around and said, "Later"

But here I feel an ache inside my chest

All I can do was stare as you walk away


I am sure that you won't even recognize me

That you won't even remember my name

I know all of those

Yet still...

All my mornings are warm and happy

Ever since I had these feelings for you

Just seeing you around is enough to make me smile

I know that this won't lead anywhere

But it makes me happy to know that I am in love with you


While it might be impossible and slightly unreasonable

I still pray that someday you'd look my way

Somewhere in my heart, I just can't give up

Just a thought that someday,

Maybe someday...


Even though I know that you can't be by my side

That you won't be here when I am down

I still do not want to lose

And still I hope...

Because when I fell for you

I learned what it really means to love

Just seeing you around is enough to make me smile

I know that this won't lead anywhere

But it makes me happy to know that I am in love with you

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