There is always Cinder before Ella

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"You skip class, decided to go for a swim,  litter on school property, sneak into the boys locker room, force a student out of class and walk around the hallways without a hall pass!" My principal, Mr.Hankton was fuming. Steam was literally bursting out of his ears.

I knew that defending myself will only make it worse so I decided to just sit down quietly and take my punishment.

"I don't know why my daughter has been such a delinquent lately. Ever since her father left us she has been misbehaving." My step mother burst out crying at the last part of the sentence.

Mr. Hankton looked at her with sympathy and tried to comfort her.

I was obviously shame and disappointment in the family.

I could tell that my step mom knew what really happened and she did not want any of the accusations to go to Donna and Ruby.
She always calls them when she gets a call from school. Just to know what to expect.

Truth is I really don't want anyone to get into trouble. It will make things worse and nobody will be happy about it.

I still love her. She has been there since I was ten and five years later look at her she is still here. She made my papa happy, so that's all I need to know.

"Miss Lake for all the damage she has done we think it is best if she is taken home for the rest of the week. I am very sorry." Mr. Hankton gave me a hard look before trying to comfort my still crying mother.

"I understand. I just don't know what is wrong with her. When she gets back, can you keep an eye on her ? You know to make sure she is not doing anything illegal or unhealthy."

I cringed at that statement. I don't want my teachers to think I have an unhealthy addiction to something illegal. Most of my teachers find me some what annoying. They think I'm just a quiet loner who refuses to participate in class because i think i am too good for anyone else. When its quite the opposite really. I speak, i get into trouble with my stepmother.

But I have been playing a little fast and loose with the rules when it comes to Mason. I honestly don't know where I'd be without him.

"Sure can do Miss Lake." The principal replied.

"If I may ask, this student who she took out of class is she a friend or something. Cause I want this thing to stop between them. She might be the cause of Ella's misbehavior! "
She said giving me a hard look that made me put my head down

When I realized that she mentioned my friend I perked up a little.

Mason. My only friend. The only person who really talks to me. My true friend.

"First of all she is really a young man named Mason Shield. He is an athlete. Good in all subjects. Has a bit record but other than that he is a star student."

Are principals allowed to give out that much information to complete strangers even if it was a parent?

"Is this 'Mason' guy your friend?" Mother asked me giving me a slight fake smile.

I nodded slowly still looking at the floor.

"They hang out a lot." The Principal replied.

My mom gave me 'the look' again.

I am in so much trouble. I knew having a friend was a bad idea. But he is the only thing I can hold on to after a horrible day at home. She can't take him away please.

I started to tear up a bit.

I am such a shame and disgrace to my family. That's probably why papa -

No Ella. Don't dwell in the past what happened, happened. There is nothing you can say that will change that.

"You Made a friend!"

I flinched back.

I got a week of suspension and two weeks of weekend detention when I get back.

To tell you the truth I don't mind weekend detention. It's way better than staying at home.

"You made a friend. Why! So you could leave your family. The people who feed you, clothed you and give you an education. How could you be so selfish!" Step mom yelled.

I looked down in shame. I can't believe I let this happen. I am so stupid.

"Answer me!" She threw a cup of water in my face.

"I am a disgrace to you madam. I am sorry. At first I didn't want to be friends with him but he is a really good guy mothe-"

Smack. Straight to the face.

"Don't you DARE call me mother you worthless scum!" She screeched, spitting on my face and pushing me down to the ground.

I kneeled down and held onto her shoe begging her for forgiveness

"He is my only friend, madam. Please.  I didn't tell him anything about you or the house or anything else i swear it."

She kicked me off her shoe and dragged me back up to stand infront of her. If she wasn't mad before she was certainly mad now.

"Liar. Don't lie to me, you filthy rat. Now leave. You are not good enough to be in my presence. You will sleep out side. " She said as she threw a glass of cold water at me.

She grabbed a hold of the collar on Mason's shirt and brought me in close to her face. Feeling her eyes stab me with every ounce of hate in her body, I started trembling.

"And if i EVER have to catch you with that lowlife bigot you call a 'friend' I will kill him myself."

With one last glare she threw mw to the ground and walked out of the living room.

I got off the floor and grabbed a mop  to quickly clean the spot that I had soaked when she threw her cup at me.

Once it was all clean with my soaked clothes I walked out of my house through the back door.

I laid down on the water bed I put in the backyard. This happens so many times. I don't even get a blanket and in this weather the water bed is as good as ice.

I closed my eyes and tried to sleep but I was shivering in the cold. I curled into a ball to at least keep myself warm but it just seemed to get worse.

I just lay there until the darkness consumed me. The very last thing that ran through my mind was my dad.

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