The Border Between Worlds

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It's funny how your life can change in a span of 2 days.

Just think!

One minute your walking home and the next your sisters are demons and try to murder you, your step mother is missing and you are in a car with some random guy who has been following you.

If someone told me my life will change so drastically three days ago i would laugh in their face, but now that things are real......

I just can't take it.


I looked up from my little journal, that I ALWAYS keep with me, to see where we were going.

I didn't trust him at all, but he had the answers to whatever was going on right now, so I had to suck it up before i planned my escape.

"W- where are you taking me." I never liked when I stammered especially in front of people but it was something I will have to deal with.

I turned back to him only to see that he was on his phone, texting while driving.

I guess he didn't hear me.

"Where are you t- taking me?" I said a little louder but not loud enough for a reaction from him.

I opened my mouth to ask again but he beat me to it.

"For the love of God, shut up!" He snapped rather harshly as he looked up from his phone only to glare at me.

I flinched at his tone and scooted back into my seat. I looked down at my journal, not knowing what else to say.

I still remember when I was younger, step mother would always snap at me before she hit me and I was not looking forward to that.

He looked at me through the corner of his eyes and let out a breath.

"I don't want you asking any questions until we get there. It's not my place to tell you. I'm just the messenger."

I just nodded and looked out the window, watching as he drove me farther and farther from my home. Farther and farther from the only friend i had, who may or may not be dead by now.

As i sunk deeper and deeper into my thoughts one specific question flicked through my mind so fast it got my heart racing.

Can I trust this 'Cole' guy? Why is he really 'helping' me? Is he doing this to protect me or is he just a creepy stocker that planned all this just to get me in this car and kill me?

The more I sat, the more scenarios came through my head. And they got worse every second. Until I started hyperventilating.

"What's going on? Stop that!? What are you doing?" He stared at me as he slowed down the car, shaking me vividly to stop.

Seeing him touching me and the wild shaking made it worse as my heart started to palpitate.

That's when I heard it.

The loudest most eerie scream ever. I had to cover my ears as it got louder and louder.

I wanted to rip my ears off. The noise was so loud my ears were practically bleeding.

Coles eyes widened and as he looked out the window.

"We have to go. NOW!" He said as he ripped his hands off me and sped down the highway to God knows where.

The noise got louder and louder as we drove off into the night. At this moment I thought I was going deaf. It was like someone was scratching a chalk board and screaming in my ear at the same time.

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