Chapter 10

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Ahsoka was meditating in her room when she heard her comm beep.

"What's up?" Ahsoka answered.

"We need you in the briefing room. We've got a new mission." Ahsoka heard Hera's voice speak over the comm.

"I'm on my way." Ahsoka stood and walked out of her room. She didn't see Carys anywhere, so she assumed that she was probably out exploring the base or something. She could feel that Lux was in his room, which brought a smile to her face. She didn't know why, but him being basically locked in his room made her happy.

On her way to the briefing room, she saw some people who waved and greeted her. She responded with a wave or smile, but never deviated from her path to the briefing room. Upon entering, she saw that the whole Ghost Crew was already there waiting.

"Hi mommy!" Carys shouted running over and giving her mother a hug. 

Ahsoka hugged her daughter back. "Sorry to keep you waiting."

"It's not a problem," Hera said with a smile. She turned to the rest of the group. "The transmissions Ahsoka intercepted from Mustafar have been decoded, and it's two sets of coordinates. I'm not really sure what's there or what they're after, but it can't be good. We'll need to split into two teams. Ahsoka you take Sabine and Zebb, I'll take Kanan and Ezra."

"Whomp Whaaaa," Chopper said(?) swinging his arms and spinning his head.

Hera laughed. "You'll be coming with me and the boys Chop."

Chopper made some happy noises, and wheeled himself out of the room.

"Alright, everyone is dismissed. We'll leave in ten." With that, everyone left to get prepared.

Ahsoka felt a tug on her skirt and looked down to see Carys looking up at her. "What about me mommy? Where do I go?"

Ahsoka picked up the young girl, she was getting bigger, so it was getting harder, but Ahsoka could still do it. "This could be a very dangerous mission, and I don't want anything happening to you. You'll be staying here."

"But I can help! I wanna come!" Carys pouted.

"Sorry tungu, but not this time," Ahsoka said booping her on the nose.

"Who will watch me while you're gone though? Everyone is coming with you."

Ahsoka stopped for a moment. That was true, everyone on the Ghost Crew would be leaving on the mission. She could leave her with someone else on the base, but she wasn't sure that was such a good idea. They could be called to battle any moment, and she didn't want Carys to have to go with them. 

"Well, not everybody..." Ahsoka heard a voice speak. She whipped around and glared daggers at the person who had spoken.

"And you suppose I should leave her with you?" Ahsoka spat.

Before Lux could respond, Carys did for him. "Yes mommy! Can Mr. Lux watch me please???" Carys gave Ahsoka a pleading look.

"Fine," she sighed, "he can watch you." Lux smiled, but Ahsoka was still scowling. She set Carys down. "Now you run along and head home, I need to talk to Mr. Bonteri." Carys did as she was told and left the room.

"Ahsoka I-" that was all he could get out before being thrown against the wall. "Owww..." he moaned.


"To be fair, you told me to either stay in the room, or explore the base, so I explored the base," Lux said running his hand through his hair. Ahsoka's heart fluttered when he did this, but she quickly shook off the feeling.

"I know what you're trying to do. You're trying to get to Carys, so that she becomes connected to you and it'll be harder for me to get you out of here."

Lux sighed. "I just don't want things to be this way between us Ahsoka, why can't we just be like we were the other night when we were joking around?"

Ahsoka froze. She had forgotten about that night, the night she forgot about her hatred for Lux for a moment, the night that the two of them and Carys ate as a family for the first time ever. Ahsoka wished it could always be like that. 

She shook the thoughts from her head. No, he didn't want them in his life, he had made that quite clear that night. "I... What you did, was unforgivable Lux." Ahsoka glared a him for a moment. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have a mission to get ready for." Ahsoka pushed past Lux and walked out the door, making a beeline for her house. 

Once she got back to the house, she quickly grabbed her sabers and clipped them to her belt. Ahsoka stuffed a change of clothes into a backpack and slug it over her shoulder. She walked out of her room to see Carys and Lux standing there looking at her. She paused, walking over to Carys and giving her a hug.

"Stay safe mommy," Carys said.

"Aren't I always tungu?" Ahsoka replied with a smirk. Carys rolled her eyes and giggled. "Now don't do anything I wouldn't while I'm gone."

Ahsoka stood and looked, almost glared, at Lux. "If anything happens to her, you're a dead man. And don't do anything stupid with her. If you wanna do something stupid that could get you killed, go ahead, but make sure she doesn't." Ahsoka turned and gave Carys one last hug and left.

Once Ahsoka was out the door, Carys grabbed Lux by the hand and dragged him to her room. "Come on, I want to show you something." Lux didn't have much of a choice other than to oblige to her will. For such a young girl she had quite the strong grip. Maybe it had something to do with the force, Lux wasn't sure.

Upon entering the room, Lux saw various drawings scattered throughout the room, some pinned to the wall, some on the desk, others on the floor. Carys let go of his hand and began rummaging through one of the piles on the floor, until she finally found what she was looking for. She picked it up and held it behind her back as she walked over to Lux.

"What you got there little one?" Lux asked with a raised eyebrow. Carys took the piece of paper out from behind her back and handed it to Lux. He looked at her then down to the paper, and what he saw made a tear come to his eye.

"I drew a picture of us from when we first met on the ship and I held you in the air using the force. I hope you like it..."

Lux felt a lump rise in his throat, he didn't know what to say. His daughter (even if she didn't know it) had made something for him, this would be something he would treasure for the rest of his life.

"I... I love it Carys. Thank you," Lux finally managed to get out. The young girl squealed in delight and wrapped Lux in a bone crushing hug. 

Once she released him from the hug, she ran off out of the room, stopping once she was just outside the door. "Follow me, I wanna show you what I can do." She smiled and ran off again.

Lux smiled as he watched her run off. He carefully folded up the picture she had given him and placed it in his pant pocket before following after her.

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