Chapter 3

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Did you think we'd be fine?

Don't think it's in the past

These kinds of wounds they last and they last


Ahsoka locked her and Carys in their room and didn't come out. Carys was worried about her mother, she'd never seen her like this before. So distraught and sad and disorientated. 

"Mommy, what's wrong? Why did you attack that man?" Carys asked innocently.

Ahsoka sighed. She was hoping to avoid the subject, but she knew that would be next to impossible. "Well," Ahsoka started, "he's... a bad man. One of those Separatists I told you I used to fight." It wasn't a complete lie. He was a bad man and he was a Separatist... at least at one point.

"Oh... okay." The two sat in silence for a few seconds. Then Carys spoke, "If he was a Separatist then you should've killed him," Carys said without hesitation. Ahsoka just looked at her, eyes wide and mouth open. She couldn't believe her daughter had said that. Sure she was threatening to kill Lux, but could she have actually gone through with it. She did hate him with every fiber in her body for what he did, but she wasn't sure she could actually kill him. Though she had to admit she had thought of it before. Making him beg for mercy at her hand.

She shook away those thoughts. Those thoughts led down a dark path, and though she did not consider herself a Jedi per se, she still considered herself a servant to the light side of the force.

"Carys... Mommy was just in the heat of the moment. I don't think I could've killed him, it wouldn't have been right. Remember, killing out of anything but self defense is wrong."

Carys nodded. "I understand." Again, there was a brief silence between the two, before Carys again spoke. "Mommy, can I go play with Ezzy or Sabine?"

Ahsoka shook her heard. There was no way she was letting that man have the chance to get close to or talk to her daughter. "I'm sorry tungu, but you have to stay here." She saw her daughter's face fall, and a frown form. She felt bad keeping her daughter cooped up in their room, but she couldn't risk it. "You can't go out there because... there's lots of big, bad battle droids out there! If you go out now they'd overpower us for sure. We have to wait for them to pass." A smile formed on Carys's face again and her eyes lit up. One of her favorite things to do was play Republic vs. Separatists.

"Alright once they past let's go out there and scrap some clankers!" Carys shouted. Ahsoka just laughed. Carys ran off to her drawer and pulled out some paper and crayons. Looked like she was going to draw some more pictures to pass the time. Ahsoka smiled and began to meditate.

It was tough for her to get anywhere in her meditation though. Every time she closed her eyes, the scene from five years ago played in her mind, the yelling, screaming, crying, it was all too much for her. She had been making progress, moving past everything, getting over it, getting over him. Just when she had started making that progress, BOOM, he came slithering back into her life.

She was so caught up in her thoughts and memories, that she apparently hadn't heard someone knock on the door. Carys had though, and she got up and opened the door. Ahsoka didn't realize until it was too late, who was at the door. Once she did, she stared in horror as Carys looked up at the man.

She panicked. "Uhhh... Carys... the droids have passed. Go get Ezra and Sabine to help you ground them into dust."

Carys's face lit up. "Okay mommy!" The girl said cheerfully, running off to find Ezra and Sabine. She could hear her calling out to them as she ran. Normally this would put a smile on her face, but given the circumstances...

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