Chapter 8

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Oh, it's so sad to

Think about the good times

You and I had


After the run in with Hera, Lux decided to keep to himself while exploring the base. He didn't need anymore death threats, Ahsoka had already given him more than a fair share, and then Hera. Maybe he would just wander off base and let the Krykna get him, it certainly couldn't be any worse than what Ahsoka could do if he angered her enough. He didn't think she'd kill him, but make him suffer, and he sure would prefer a quick death over that.

Shaking the thoughts from his mind, he focused on the task at hand: getting a feel for his surroundings. He felt he'd be here a while so he better get used to the base because he knew he would not be spending a lot of time in Ahsoka's house.

Ahsoka's house was a bit secluded from everything else, and Lux figured this had something to do with Carys and Ahsoka not wanting her near everything. He shook off the thoughts of Ahsoka and his daughter. That still felt weird to him... he had a daughter, even if she didn't know it. He still was unsure of how to feel about it.

Lux was so lost in his thoughts about Carys that he neglected to look where he was going, and he ran straight into the back of Zeb. He was promptly knocked down on his ass and the lasat turned and gave an angry growl.

"Watch where you're going!"

"S-sorry. I wasn't paying attention," Lux apologized as he rose to his feet.

"Hey isn't that the guy we just rescued?" Ezra asked. Lux hadn't seen him standing there.

Zeb looked him up and down and nodded. "Yea I think it is. I'm surprised he's even here. I thought for sure Ahsoka would've killed him by now."

"Yea..." Ezra said seemingly deep in thought. "Speaking of which, why does she hate you so much? I've never seen her like that, so you must have done something pretty bad."

"I- we... I don't like to talk about it."

"Well that's too bad. You're gonna be stuck here with us for a while, so you better spill it," Zeb said pushing a finger into Lux's chest.

"I don't think Ahsoka would want me to. She obviously hasn't told you for a reason," Lux replied. He was scared for his life again, but wasn't sure what would be worse: death by lasat, or whatever Ahsoka would do to him if he told them.

Thankfully for Lux, Ezra stepped between the two. "Maybe you could just tell us about you and maybe about some stuff when Ahsoka was younger? She never really talks about her past and the war and what she did in between."

This seemed to appease Zeb, which made Lux relax a bit. "I suppose I could tell you about that part."

"Come on, there's a few tables over here where we can sit and you can talk," Zeb said motioning for Lux to follow him.

Once the trio were sat around the table, Lux began to talk. "Where to start..." he said trying to think. "I guess we'll begin when I first met Ahsoka."

"I was living with my mother on Raxus at the time. I was about 17 probably, and Ahsoka may have been 16. My mother was a senator for the Separatists, and was having a secret meeting with one of her Republic senator friends, Padme Amidala. Ahsoka was Senator Amidala's 'personal security' as she said. At first she definitely did not like me. We didn't talk much, other than one time in the garden. We talked about the Republic and the Separatists, and realized we weren't so different after all. She left after a few days, and I figured I'd never see her again.

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