Chapter 2

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Now we've got problems

And I don't think we can solve 'em

You made a really deep cut

And baby, now we've got bad blood


Ahsoka felt the ship jerk, signaling that they had exited hyperspace and were nearing Ithor. Ahsoka stood up and brushed off her skirt. Walking out of the room, she was immediately ran into by a crazed Chopper.

"Wamp waaa wamp wam," I heard him say. He used his mechanical arms to point behind him. Soon Zeb and Ezra came bursting down the cooridor.

"Get back here you bucket of bolts!" Zeb shouted.

"I'm gonna turn you into spare parts!" Ezra yelled.

Ahsoka just sighed. "What now?" She asked slightly irritated.

"This tin can loosened the bolts on my bunk so when I lied down, it fell on top of Zeb! He did it so Zeb and I would start fighting again, but Sabine told us it was Chopper!" Ezra relayed.

Ahsoka shook her head. This wasn't the first time (and certainly wouldn't be the last time) that Chopper had done something like this. He reminded her a lot of R2 in some ways.

"I'm staying out of this. This is between you three," Ahsoka said raising her hands and walking away. She could hear yelling and screaming and droid noises as she walked away towards the cockpit. Upon entering, she saw Hera, Kanan, and Carys.

"Do I even want to know?" Hera asked.

"No, you definitely don't," Ahsoka said with a laugh. She turned to Carys. "So, what did Hera teach you this time?" Ahsoka asked her daughter with a smile.

"She let me sit on her lap and push the lever that sent us into hyperspace!" Carys responded, her eyes shining. Ahsoka smiled, she loved seeing her daughter like this.

"I also taught her what some of the levers and dials and buttons do. She's a quick learner," Hera told Ahsoka.

"Oh and mommy, I made this for you!" Carys walked over to Ahsoka and handed her a piece of paper. On it was the two of them, along with the Ghost Crew, Ahsoka's heart melted upon seeing it. Drawing was something that Carys really enjoyed doing, and Ahsoka loved it. She was always drawing things for her and the rest of the crew, and sometimes helped Sabine with her designs.

"I know exactly where this should go," Ahsoka said walking to the front of the cockpit. She placed it right between the two control panels. "Now everyone can see it whenever they're in here!" Ahsoka smiled down at her daughter, who just hugged her leg.

"Hey Carys, would you want to help me land the ship?" Hera asked.

"Would I!" Carys squealed as she hopped onto Hera's lap. Ahsoka and Hera just smiled at the young girl's enthusiasm. Soon the ship landed, and the Ghost Crew gathered on the ramp.

"Alright so everyone knows their role right?" Hera asked.

There were mumbled "yes"s and nodded heads. Chopper made a sad/annoyed noise.

"Sorry Chop, but you need to stay here and watch over Carys and the ship. Make sure the ship is ready to take off as soon as we get back. I don't know what we'll encounter here," Hera told Chopper.

"Come on Choppy! Let's go to the cockpit!" Carys shouted happily before running off. Chopper made another sad noise, but followed Carys.

"Alright, if everyone's ready, then let's go." The group walked out of the ship, and Ahsoka froze. It was exactly the same as when she had last seen it. Memories came flooding back to her, some good, but most horrible. She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to keep the tears away.

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