Chapter 8

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            Meenakshi watched as Sanjana hurried past her. She turned back to look at Rohit. 

            “Was it something I said?” Meenakshi asked, confused. 

            “No, it was me.” Rohit replied, sadly. 

            Meenakshi invited Rohit inside to talk about what happened.  In fact, she demanded that he explain immediately.  Rohit told her about getting ice cream and his gift to Sanjana. 

            “You’re so sweet!  But why is Sanjana acting that way?  I don’t see anything wrong.”  Meenakshi commented once Rohit finished explaining. 

            “Well…” Rohit started, getting increasingly more nervous. “I kissed her.” He admitted

            “Oh,” was all Meenakshi said.           

            There was a brief awkward pause before Meenakshi spoke again. 

            “And she just let you?” Meenakshi asked casually. 

            “No, I kissed her on the forehead.  I didn’t mean for it to be an intimate gesture though.  It just happened.”  Rohit explained. 

            “I don’t see anything wrong with it.  You two are engaged.  You should be able to show each other that you care about each other, but I’m not sure what Sanjana is comfortable with and what she isn’t.  That’s a conversation you need to have with her though.  She’s…been through a lot.” Meenakshi said.  She hesitated before completing her last sentence, which threw Rohit’s mind into a frenzy.  Sanjana had been through a lot?  What was that supposed to mean?  Would she tell him if he asked her?

            “Right, Meenakshi Aunty.  I’m sorry.” Rohit apologized.  He decided not to ask to go see Sanjana and apologize to her.  He felt like an idiot and just wanted to leave.  “I’ll see you later.” Rohit said in a defeated tone before leaving. 

            “Bye Rohit!” Meenakshi replied. 

            After closing the door, she marched up the stairs to Sanjana’s room.  She threw open the door and stalked inside without knocking.  Sanjana looked at her aunt as she came barging into her bedroom. 

            “Sanjana Malhotra, the next time you see Rohit, you will apologize to him.  Is that understood?” Meenaksh said with a strict tone. 

            “Bua?” Sanjana questioned, wondering what she had done wrong. 

            “He’s such a nice boy, Sanjana dear, and all he did was kiss you on the forehead, not even the lips!  What are you going to do once you two are married?  He’s going to have expectations, and you, as his wife, are going have to fulfil them,” Meenakshi paced as she fumed at Sanjana. 

            The look of horror on Sanjana’s face made Meenakshi refrain from continuing any further. 

            “Just make sure you’re nicer to him next time.” Meenakshi said, leaving Sanjana’s room. 

            Meenakshi walked back downstairs.  All she could think about was how Sanjana would adjust with Rohit after they got married.  Maybe she was wrong to rush them into marriage, but nothing could be done now.  The two were already engaged and preparations for their wedding were in full swing.  Sanjana was her niece and, after everything she’d been through, it would make more sense for Meenakshi to worry about her, but it was actually Rohit she was more worried about.  He was such a great person, who had been unlucky in love.  She wasn’t sure that he’d be able to handle like with Sanjana.  Sanjana wasn’t a difficult person to get along with; she was just difficult to understand. 

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