Chapter 14

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"I'll take two." Sanjana told the man at the vegetable stand. Usually, his father would be the one selling mangoes to Sanjana, but today it was his son.

"You look beautiful today as always." Manoj said to Sanjana.

"Manoj, please don't." Sanjana replied sternly.

"Come on, Sanjana. I can't compliment you?" Manoj said, handing Sanjana the mangoes along with her change.

Sanjana turned to walk away, but Manoj took her hand and stopped her.

"I've been meaning to speak to my father...about marriage." Manoj said quietly.

"I don't want to get married right now." Sanjana said, trying to leave.

"I'm going to America for my masters. I want to marry you and take you with me." Manoj offered.

The way he spoke frightened Sanjana. His playful tone was replaced with a more serious one. He spoke so quietly as if he anticipated her rejection.

"We don't have much." Manoj continued. "I know you're too good to marry a fruit seller's son, so I worked hard for you. All throughout college, I improved myself so I could be worthy of you one day. I have a good job. I come from a good family, and I'm going to America soon. What else could you want?"

Love. Sanjana desperately wanted to tell him how important love was to her in a marriage. She knew Manoj was a nice man and would make a good husband, but her heart belonged to Arjun.

Manoj still held her hand, even though Sanjana was turned away from him trying to leave.

"Please Manoj, let me go." Sanjana pleaded.

"Sanjana, I'm going to tell my father to meet with your parents. I wanted to ask you first, but honestly your father is going to accept my proposal. I know he will." Manoj grew angry as he spoke.

Sanjana knew her father would probably want her to marry Manoj. She was waiting for Arjun to approach her parents though.

"Manoj please." Sanjana said, pulling against his grip.

"Let her go." Arjun appeared beside Sanjana. His expression clearly showed how angry he was.

"Go away, Arjun. This doesn't concern you." Manoj said.

Sanjana turned to face Arjun. She silently pleaded with him, hoping he wouldn't reveal that they were in love. She had no doubt that Manoj would use this information against her to force her to marry him if he knew.

"I believe I heard Sanjana ask you to let her go." Arjun growled.

"Or what?" Manoj challenged."

Arjun lunged at Manoj, squeezing his fingers around his neck. He pressed hard for a moment before threatening.

"Leave her alone." Arjun threatened.

He released his grip and walked away without looking at either Manoj or Sanjana. Manoj was left coughing on the ground. Sanjana was shocked. She looked at Manoj and then up at Arjun's retreating silhouette. She ran to catch up with Arjun.

"Arjun, are you alright?" She asked once she caught up with him.

Arjun ignored her and kept on walking. She followed him, attempting to talk to him a few more times before simply following him in silence. They reached a more secluded part of the village. Arjun walked into a garden at the back of a primary school. It was after school hours, so the area was empty. They would have ample privacy. Finally, Arjun stopped. He turned around to face Sanjana.

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