Chapter 6

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            “I’m going to fail! I just know it.” Sanjana said with a worried expression. 

            “You always say that before an exam, and who always ends up topping the class? You.” Arjun encouraged.  “You need to relax.”

            He pulled the book she had spent the last few hours focusing on away from her. 

            “Arjun, I need to study.” Sanjana complained. 

            “You’re beautiful.” Arjun stated. 

            “Being beautiful won’t help me on my exams.” Sanjana replied. 

            “If all your exams were based on being beautiful, you’d have nothing to worry about.” Arjun commented. 

            Sanjana blushed.  Arjun’s cheesy lines were cute and always laced with a sweet compliment. 

            “Come on.” Arjun took her hand and led her to a spot behind her house.  It was very secluded, and none of her family members ventured there since it was further back behind the house than they cared to travel.   Arjun had set up a set of benches out there with a canopy to bring some shade to area.  He’d done it on Sanjana’s father’s birthday, pretending that it was a present for him from Sanjana.  Of course, he knew her father would never sit out there because he preferred staying indoors.  Arjun had intended for it to be a spot where he and Sanjana could meet without fear of being disturbed, and that’s exactly what it turned out to be. 

            Sanjana settled down on one of the benches, facing the house, while Arjun sat down beside her.

            “Now, where were we?” Arjun said.

            “In the house.” Sanjana answered, giving him a shrewd look. 

            “That’s not what I meant.” Arjun chuckled at her sarcasm. 

            He moved closer to her, placing an arm around her. 

            “You’re beautiful.” He told her again, this time whispering it in her ear.  He leaned in closer and kissed her gently on the cheek. 

            Sanjana stood up. 

            “Arjun, someone will see us.” Sanjana said, looking around. 

            “Out here? No one ever comes out here.” Arjun reasoned. 

            “But…” protested Sanjana. 

            “You worry too much.” Arjun stated. 

            “You don’t worry enough.” Sanjana countered. 

            “Yeah?” Arjun stood up, looking slightly angry.  “Well, I think I’m just going to make you worry some more.”

            Sanjana frowned.  What did he mean?

            Arjun walked forward and grabbed Sanjana by the shoulders.  She gasped at his sudden movements, but his grip wasn’t tight enough to cause her any pain.  He moved her forward and kissed her on the cheek again.  His lips lingered there for a moment before moving them down to her neck. 

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