Chapter 15

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Ajit's party was in full swing. It was being held at one of New York City's most exclusive nightclubs. When Sheila and Rohit arrived, the place was already crowded.

"I didn't know Ajit had so many friends." Sheila said, as she and Rohit pushed past some people.

"I don't think they're all his friends." Rohit said, eyeing some blondes he's never seen before. "I bet he invited a bunch of pretty girls just because he wanted to look at them all night."

"Classic Ajit." Sheila commented.

They got drinks before walking around a little more. They talked with several of their friends. Sheila was even in the mood to dance even though Rohit wouldn't cooperate. He glanced around the club, looking for Radhika but he hadn't spotted her yet.

"Hey! Rohit! Sheila! Good to see you!" Ajit greeted Sheila and Rohit.

"Hey man long time no see. I can't believe you're back in New York!" Rohit said, hugging his friend.

"Yeah Cali just wasn't doing it for me. I can't give all this up." Ajit said, pointing to the wild party going on around them.

"There are parties everywhere, Ajit." Sheila said.

"Yeah but there's no place like New York." Ajit replied with a smile. "Rohit, I just saw Radhika. Oh man, she looks just as hot as ever! Don't worry, I'm not making a move or anything."

"Feel free to make a move." Rohit replied.

"What do you mean?" Ajit asked.

"We're not together anymore." Rohit said.

"What? What happened?" Ajit said, shocked.

"She cheated on me." Rohit said.

"What the hell?" Ajit exclaimed. "But you're you! She can't do better than you."

Rohit smiled. "I never said that jerk was better than me."

"You should meet his wife." Sheila interjected.

"What? You got married? You didn't invite me? Do I mean nothing to you?" Ajit exclaimed dramatically.

"It happened so fast. You were all the way in California." Rohit explained.

"Don't give me those excuses. Where is she?" Ajit said.

"She's at home with my step-mother." Rohit said.

"Hold up. You came to a party without your wife? A party where your ex-girlfriend is present, looking like she looks...and you leave your wife at home?" Ajit knew what he was talking about.

Rohit didn't know what to say.

"Incoming." Sheila whispered just as a very drunk Radhika appeared.

"Ajit! Come dance!" Radhika slurred. She was dressed in a very tight and very short red dress with way too high heels.

She moved towards Ajit but lost her balance along the way. Rohit reached out to steady her, and she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Wow, are very handsome." She said to Rohit.

"Radhika," Sheila interrupted. "I think you need to sit down."

"No. No I'm fine." Radhika shrugged Sheila off and turned back to Rohit. "Who is this handsome man? You look familiar. Did we hook up?"

Rohit sighed, holding her tighter so she'd stay standing up and not topple over.

"Yes. We did." He said, bemused.

"I knew it!" squealed Radhika. "Wow, how did I ever let you go?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2018 ⏰

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