Game Night (WandaxNonBinary!Reader)

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"Aww, N/n. That's so sweet."


As Y/n watched Wanda from their spot on the couch, they smiled. They really couldn't help it. She was just so nice to look at. Wanda turned and caught her friend staring at her, and waved with a shy smile.

Y/n almost kissed her right then and there. But they held back, biting their tongue. "Hey, Wanda," They called, turning to face their friend fully. "You coming to Game Night tonight?"

Wanda sighed. "Maybe? I don't know. Depends. Are you going?"

"Yeah, I think the whole team is going to be there." Y/n answered with a shrug. "I get it, though, game nights aren't your scene. Aren't usually mine, but Tony's making me go. I got him that 'one free make Y/n go to any party or game night' coupon for Christmas."

Wanda laughed. "Yeah, sure. I'll come." She winked and put a finger to her lips. "Can't let my best friend suffer alone."

Best friend.

Although the words cut deep, Y/n smiled. "Oh, totally. I'm going down, you're going down with me." They said with a goofy, lovesick grin.


Y/n sat cross-legged on the couch, Wanda in front of them. They snuck their hands into her hair, messing around with it slightly. "Pretty Wanda," Y/n cooed absentmindedly, tossing Wanda's hair around more.

Clint stood up. "First game!" He laughed. "Everyone get an item, c'mon! Put it in the bag. We're playing Seven Minutes in Heaven, no protesting! Everyone put an item in." He held out the bag to Wanda and Y/n. Wanda snuck in a red glow stick, and Y/n put in a necklace.

Clint jumbled the bag up, smiling, and held it out to Natasha, who pulled out a falcon feather. She turned to Sam. "Where did you even get this?" She asked, chuckling lightly. He shrugged and the two walked into the closet, coming out a few minutes later when Tony opened the door, laughing and shoving each other around.

More rounds progressed, and Tony and Steve got locked in the closet next. Then it was Clint and Pietro, Bucky and Vision, and then it was Peter and Natasha. The spiders.

As they exited, Natasha whispered something to Peter, who snorted, and Natasha just smiled, brushing it off like nothing had happened.

Clint held out the bag to Wanda, who detached herself from Y/n's touch and leaned forwards to grab something. She pulled out a long chain with a small heart pendant attached, and smiled at it, seemingly lost in memories.

She looked up at Y/n and laughed. "Remember when I got this for you?" She asked, handing it to the shocked superhero sitting behind her.

"I... Of course I do!" Y/n laughed, holding up the necklace to the light before dropping it back in the bag. "I almost died that same day. It was insane."

"I would never let that happen to you," Wanda said sweetly, standing up.

"Alright, enough chit-chat! Get in the closet, babes!" Natasha pushed them both in, grinning as she closed the door and sent a knowing wink towards Wanda, who blushed madly.

The closet was dark. And small. What was Y/n expecting? A big, luxurious room with lots of light? Maybe some windows? It was Stark, so they really hadn't known what to expect. Maybe his suits needed more light than the rest of his clothes.

But No. They were face-to-face, chest-to-chest in a dark closet with their crush. Wanda coughed and reached for Y/n's hand, grasping it tightly, almost as if she was scared of something. "Hey, N/n." She called affectionately. "I have something to tell you."

"S-Same?" Y/n sputtered, blushing, suddenly very glad for the lack of light in the small closet.

Wanda snorted softly. "Uh... oh, god... how do I say this?" She trailed off. "I... I want to be more than friends? With you?"

"I really like you, too," Y/n blurted, grip on Wanda's hand tightening. "Um. I have for a while."

"Aww, N/n. That's so sweet." Wanda gushed. "Can I...?"

Y/n's breath caught in their throat. "Yes." They breathed, relaxing slightly. Wanda's hand slipped out of theirs, and wrapped around their neck. Y/n's arms snaked around Wanda's waist, pulling her closer. Wanda smiled gently and got up on her tip-toes, pressing a soft and vulnerable kiss to Y/n's lips.

Her lips tasted like mint and honey chapstick. Y/n loved it. Soon enough, Wanda's hand was tangled in their h/l h/c hair. As the two pulled away, Wanda grinned.

"You're a great kisser," Y/n blabbered. "And... and you're beautiful. Um. Sorry. I should stop talking."

Wanda laughed softly, kissing their cheek. "It's okay, babes." She whispered. "I think you're pretty, too."

Y/n practically melted. "Really?"

"Of course." Wanda said with a smile. She craned her neck to look at the superhero and sighed dreamily. "Can I kiss you again?"

"Yes!" Y/n covered their mouth. "Sorry." They whispered as Wanda gently dragged their hands away from their mouth.

"It's okay, babycakes." Wanda laughed. "I like kissing you, too."

And they kissed again. Y/n's acrylic nails tangled in Wanda's long, silky hair. Wanda smelled like freshly baked sweets. Y/n smiled into the kiss, pulling Wanda in closer.

They broke away, taking a breath.

"I love game nights." Wanda whispered, eyes shining.

The door opened rather rudely to reveal Pietro, smiling like an idiot. "Ah, twenty bucks, Banner!" He called over his shoulder, laughing.

It was a rather weird sight. Wanda pressed against one side of the closet, Y/n basically on top of her, both blushing like crazy and intertwined. Wanda groaned and buried her head in the crook of Y/n's neck as her brother collected money.

She planted a soft kiss there, which made Y/n blush even redder.

Maybe even... scarlet.

[1010 words!]

//just a cute fluffy story w/ Wanda, whom I love 🥰

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