No! (QuicksilverxFem!Reader, part one!)

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{Disclaimer! This story follows Age Of Ulton, but there are plot changes! Please don't sue me thank you. Aall character rights go to Marvel, enjoy your read!}




Y/N L/N.

The girl who lived, if you will.  It's a cliche, but it's the best way I can think of to describe her. She's the girl that lived, and loved, and laughed, despite what happened to her.


Y/N was born into HYDRA testing. Shortly after that, her mother died from the experiments. No one knew who the father was, and no one really cared to find out. So she grew up alone. HYDRA was the only family she knew, and they were determined to keep it that way.

Y/n was special. But not in the way of powers or of smarts.

She was special at surviving.

She never gained any powers. No matter what they did to her. She remained painfully... normal. No amount of beating, testing, training, or studying did anything to suggest the possibility that she was anything but that.

She lived like that for sixteen years. In the same base, running the same tests, reading the same books, for years. You can imagine how excited she was to be out and moving to the base in Sovokia.

Oh how her life was about to change.


"Can you teach me some Sovokian words so I can say hi to the kids there?" Y/n chirped to the guard driving her transport. "Just some simple ones! Like... oh! Oh! Like 'hello, how are you?' Or... or maybe 'hi, I'm Y/n! I hope we can be friends?'"

"They'd never want to be friends with someone as normal as you." The guard snapped, raising his hand ever so slightly.

Y/n was quiet for the rest of the ride. As the transport slowed, one of the female guards leaned down to her.

"Привет я новенький Рад встрече." She whispered. "It means 'hello, I'm new. Nice to meet you.' Practice it."

Y/n beamed. "Thank you." She said, repeating the phrase as she climbed out of the truck and the guards shoved her roughly into the cell. She was greeted by a boy and girl, both around her age when she walked into her cell.

"Привет я новенький Рад встрече!" Y/n blurted, surprised.

The boy chuckled and the girl frowned. "Nice to meet you too," he said smoothly, his accent ghosting the words and making them each feel longer than they were. "I am Pietro, and zhis is my sister, Wanda."

"I'm Y/n."

"Zhat's a... a pretty name." Wanda said with a smile. "Vhat can you do?"

Y/n cringed away from the question. "I can't do anything." She said with a sigh after a few silent moments, pushing her h/l h/c hair out of her eyes. "I'm not special."

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