Chapter Eight: And So, It Begins.

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A/n: for our wonderful cover artist, @DemigodseaMeg16 . Happy birthday, Mx. Magical!

As the unusual trio set off down the path, the eyes of fate watching them, Meghan's brothers followed from a couple of feet back. Meghan made conversation with Ali and Fyrian, who both had very interesting pasts. "So, you grew up in a castle? My, what was it like?" She asked Fyrian, who flushed a light shade of red on her beautiful brown skin. "Oh, nothing special. More room to roam and a more secure food source, I suppose." She shrugged. Ali nodded, "Living on the streets is a lot of travel and not much food. It's having no home because the whole world is your home." Ali offered. 
The other two took this in with nods and noises of agreement. Meghan tossed this around in her head, taking a left at  fork in the road. The other two followed happily, discussing random things and comparing childhoods. Meghan liked these two, she decided, and would be more than happy to have them as friends. The life of a hermit was no doubt lonely, but she had learned to be more than wary of trusting blindly in her life. It was never safe to just say, "Well, everyone deserves my trust!" no, no she had learned never to say that, instead to say, "Everyone deserves my respect" or suffer greatly for it. She had gotten off track- where was she? Oh, yes, the path. A beaten-down path laid out before them, towering trees much older than even the dragon of their group shading the way to the town. Meghan's own dark green dress (falling just above her knees, complete by bows and ruffles. What? She had way too much time) matched the shade of the beautiful mid-spring leaves. The day ahead was a long one, but Meggy always loved long days. After all, what's the fun in short ones?


The day was coming to a close, the long journey ending as the group came upon the little town at the edge of the large forest. "Here we are!" Meggy declared, walking into the inn. "Oh, Mx Miles? I come with company." She called. A short young dragon emerged from the back room, scales a lovely blue scattered across their beautiful brown skin. "Ah, Meggy! I see you brought company. On the house, young one."  Mx Miles greeted, before handing Meggy a key. 

When the three got to the room, there was only one bed. With a repeat of the night before's arguments, they eventually got to a solution- "Okay, okay, what if," Fyrian proposed, "We all just shared the bed? It's big enough for the three of us and I consider you two my friends." 
Meghan nodded in agreement, "Yes, let's! Now, we all need rest. Tomorrow we set off for the capital." 

The trio curled up on the bed together, Fyrian to the right, Ali to the left and Meggy in the middle.

Let's just say all three are sleep cuddlers.




Faer contributions have been critical to TSSAM and everything it is, from the cover to the entire character of Meghan, to helping me figure out details.

Thank you so much for being my best friend and co-writer!


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2020 ⏰

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