Mother knows best

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I woke up surprisingly early, before that damn bell.  A lot was on my mind this morning which included Adam, his party, my sister, and the sleepover with the girls that was happening tonight. Kam still hadn't come home so I guess she spent the night, hopefully she was okay and nothing bad happened to her.

I was ready by the time Max rang the bell so I just sat on my bed, as I opened my phone Adam sent me a goodmorning text maybe he really did mean that liking me thing but I wasn't just going to get my hopes up. Boys say a lot of things that aren't true just to get something in return, I don't want my heart to be broken.

After breakfast Max drove Robert and I ti school. Lisa and Angie were already waiting for me by the time I got there, to be completely honest I was so glad I made friends as fast as I did. " Marie and Aaliyah are ditching school today but are still coming to the sleepover. So you're stuck with us. " Angie said locking arms with me, which I didn't mind since I felt closer to these two. Liyah and Marie seemed to be inseparable best friends.

" You guys excited for tonight? I was thinking we get ready at my house then head over?" I could really use some outfit advice since Kam and I aren't on the best of terms. Speaking of the devil her and Andrea walk past us and up the stairs. She didn't even give me a glance, whatever I guess....

Adam POV

It felt like I was up most of the night thinking about Eden and what I told her. Yeah I did mean it but maybe it was too soon to tell her.

At breakfast my dad was no where to be seen,  another business trip couldn't blame him though money makes the world go round.

" Adam sweetheart I heard you had the neighbor girl over. Glad you're making friends, but I really don't think you should invite another girl over when you have a girlfriend." My mother said drinking her pitch black coffee, guess it was more of a good time to tell her what's been going on in my life.

" Actually Andrea and I have broken up for good. I like Eden now." I said not thinking much of it, probably one of the noisy ass maids had told her Eden came over yesterday.

I raised an eyebrow as my mother choked on her coffee, taking her a few seconds later.  " You like her? Oh sweety are you sure that you aren't just looking for something to feel the void after a break up. Being with erm Eden isn't a good look for you really." What the fuck was she saying, I get the part of jumping into a relationship but my feelings were real.

" What do you mean not a good look? She just transferred here and she's already in the top ten of the school. " I said that maybe thinking it was some kind of misunderstanding.

" Listen I don't care how smart she is Adam, no son of mine will be a baby daddy. People like her don't make it far in this town, her father may have gotten lucky but he's one of the few. Those children are from the ghetto, over my dead body will I let her drag you down too. What are you going to be some drug dealing thug now? " All my life I had never thought my mom to be a racist, maybe I was too blind to see it. How could she base someone's future off the color of their skin.

" You don't even know anything about her or what's shes like! Eden makes me feel like I'm on the top of the world when I'm with her, she listens to me like no other. I see her more than you or dad, so how could you possibly know what's best for me. Just because you don't love dad doesn't mean that I have to suffer and not be with someone who makes me feel great." I stood up from the table completely having lost my appetite, she was acting so disgusting. She was taken a back by my arguing, never in my life had I argued with my parents.

" It's just statistics on her kind darling. She makes you feel like that because she's new and temporary. And how dare you question me loving your father, Adam sit down now and finish your breakfast I didn't excuse you from the table." Fuck whatever she was talking about, I threw my backpack on and stormed out of the house. There was no point in talking to her right now.

I felt a lump in my throat as I drove to school, like my fake reality had just come crashing down around me. How many other people around me thought just like my mother, I don't want people like that around me.

" Yes this is the private investigators number right? Okay good. I'd like you to investigate a girl by the name of Eden Scott, I'm willing to pay any amount of money on whatever you find on her." The old brunette woman said into the phone, like she said she was going  to do everything in her power to keep her precious son safe and on the right path. Even if that meant digging up old skeletons.

A/n: woah shits going to hit the fan sooner or later. How'd y'all feel about this chapter? More coming stay tuned!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2020 ⏰

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