A cry for help

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Currently it was lunch but all day it seemed like everyone was talking about the break up and trying to console Andrea who had been crying all day. I wasn't denying her feelings of her being in love but she was such a bitch it made me question if she even had human emotions.

Also on the chopping block this week was me the new girl that walked in and stole Adam's heart, their words not mine. Somehow I was made out to be the bad guy but not surprised at all considering it was easier to call me a home wrecker than actually get to know me.

" Cheer up babes, the party and our sleep over us coming up." Angie said with a smile trying to lighten the mood and distracting me from burning holes in the back of Andrea's big head. She was right I shouldn't let this temporary mess get me all sad.

" Hey." Adam said as he took a seat across from me at my table. What the hell was he doing here of all places. It's not like I was mad at him because I know it wasn't his fault that rumors were getting spread anyway.

" Hey Adam, you missed the whole dramatic show this morning." I said sarcastically as I drank my water bottle, I wasn't in the mood for food right now. One of my bad traits is that I could hold anger for a long time, not on purpose but I guess we can blame that on my mother.

Adam looked guilty as a brought it up, " I'm sorry that you got sucked into this. Like actually this was supposed to be between me and her not me, you, her, and the entire school." It was easy to tell that he was actually sorry by the look he wore on his face.

He already had a lot on his mind so I didn't want to be another thing clouding his mind. " Hey it's not your fault, you didn't know it would blow up this bad......If you need to talk you could always come next door." I smiled at him wanting him to feel comfortable with me, he had listened to me rant that night now I wanted to return the favor.


Once I was home I collapsed on my bed face first, I was socially tired. At my old school all I had to worry about was not getting caught up in any gang violence but here it seemed like everything that was done was some big deal.

" Finally you're home, I've been waiting to talk." I recognized the voice as Adams, not even having to look up just knowing he was sitting at his window. Soon lifting my head to look at the boy, he tried to stay serious but was fighting a smile.

" What's on your mind?" I knew that the question could mean a lot of things but wondered what he would get from it. You could tell deep inside he was hurting.

He dropped eye contact with me as he look up at the grey sky, it was clouded just like his mood right now. " It just really sucks that I spent so much of my youth with her you know? I loved her at first and yet she just loved the idea of me, of who I am and the title I hold. It hurts to know that I was always an item to her, like some limited addition purse than only she had and no one else could even get near." Adam eyes began to water as he spoke, being honest I would have never guessed that he of all people felt like this.

It broke my heart to know he was hurting, and held it all in. For what ? To keep up an image he didn't even want in the first place. I got off of my bed and made my way over to my window sitting on the ledge. " And the fucked up part is even after i found out that I was an accessory to her I stayed because it's what felt normal...... I just got so tired of lying to myself so I ended it." Adam continued now looking at me again after wiping his face.

" Adam....-" I started but he cut me off before I could even finish.

" Eden please don't say you're sorry to hear that, I've heard it enough times." He said running his hands through his hair.

" I wasn't, I was going to say that no deserves to be treated like a pawn. I'm glad that you got out of that toxic cycle, it takes a strong person to do that become an individual once more. If it makes you feel better I've always seen you as Adam Valentine not Andrea's hot boyfriend Adam." His face life up as he heard my words, a smirk creeped up on his face.

" Ah so you think I'm hot aye?" He jokes causing me to role my eyes and not say anything back to the boy. I do think he's hot but he wasn't going to hear it directly I don't care how much his ego needed it.

After a few minutes of us being quiet he spoke up. " it's okay I think you're hot too." I turned my head so he couldn't see me smiling at his comment. " Goodnight Adam." I said getting off of my ledge ready to close my window.

" Wait Eden-" he said and I paused with an eyebrow raised ready to hear what he had to say. " Thank you for talking to me tonight, I've never told anyone how I felt before it felt good."

In a weird way I felt honored that he trusted me to know his deepest thought, " ofcourse Adam, that's what friends are for." I smiled closing my window and closing my curtains.

"yeah friends....." Adam said as he felt the cold wind nip at his cheeks which were now red. He didn't know it it was from her warm smile or the weather. Either way Adam decided he was going to start living for himself from now on.

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