Lunchroom Banter

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It was lunchtime right about now, I thought the school was already nice but when I saw the food court is when I almost lost my shit. It looked like a mall food court which seems like something that would happen in a movie.

The dark skin girl I sit in front of in English showed me around after class, her name is Aaliyah and she's really lit as hell.

"Earth to the new girl, these are my friends. " Aaliyah said pointing to three girls sitting at the lunch table who were staring at me.

" Hi, I'm Lisa Nguyen, nice to meet you." An Asian girl with bleached blonde hair said giving me a wave.

" And I'm Angelica Martinez just call me Angie, bitchhh your outfit is cute!" A Mexican girl said getting up and hugging me like she had known me for years.

"And the light skin one is Marie, don't mind her she doesn't really like new people." Aaliyah said pointing towards a girl glaring at me.

"Liyah you stay bringing new people to our table and they end up being fake." Marie said rolling her eyes.

"Eden is not fake, I can assure you that ladies." Someone wrapped their arm around my shoulder, turning my head a bit I saw it was Adam.

" Do you not have a life and like stalk me, Valentine?" I joked

"Ha you wish, just seeing how you are adjusting. Seems you found some friends, which is great because loner doesn't look good on you." He laughed starting to walk away.

"Wait, Adam, have you seen my sister?" I called out for him before he got too far.

"Yeah, she's sitting with Andrea and her friends."

What the fuck. whatever I'll talk to her later about that snake.

I shook my head and sat in between Angie and Lisa.

"So You and Adam?" Lisa said wiggling her eyebrows.

"Yeah, it is your first day and Adam knows you and Andrea hates you." Aaliyah joined in the convo.

"Wait Andrea hates you already?" Marie finally spoke up.

"Yes, she made Andrea and her little followers go mute in English. Everyone in the classroom was shook as fuck."

"Girl you literally are the shit oh my gosh." Angie laughed stuffing french fries into her mouth.

"I mean it wasn't a big deal, I actually met her yesterday along with Adam because she was picking him up or something." I laughed nervously.

Not that I didn't like these girls, I thought they were really cool but they were so different from what I was used to so I didn't want to screw this up with them.

"You doing anything this weekend we totally have to catch her up on school drama." Aaliyah said excitedly.

"Actually Adam invited me to his party I think it's Friday night."

"No fucking way you got invited? like he lets everyone come but he physically invited you. I sensed fireworks." Lisa gasped.

"Are you forgetting his girlfriend Chica?" Angie covered Lisa's mouth because she was so loud.

"Fuck that bitch, steal her man." Marie said agreeing with Lisa.

"Why don't you guys come over and we can have a sleepover once we come back from the party, my dad won't mind I'm pretty sure."

They all nodded their heads at my idea, we left the lunchroom early so the girls could show me to my next class.

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