Chapter Eleven

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Melanies POV:  

'So, schools nearly starting again?' I said to Hermione with a smile, 'are you excited?' 

 'I... I should think I am, but every year Voldemort gets closer to Harry, and it's really quite worrying.' 

'I suppose.' It angered me, that Tom should have such a right to instil fear into these children.  Children. I thought of my own, Helena and Marisa, the two children I had left with my husband before I left of this whimsical adventure, put upon me by Severus. Did I love him? I suppose I did, with his smile that showed more than I think he was ever willing to admit. I'd attempted to get close to him several times but had been crudely pushed away. It had something to do with Lilly Potter, the perished mother of Harry, whom of which none but he, Dumbledore and I were aware. 

Helena would have guessed what was going on, she was a smart girl, with enough beauty to match intelligence. I missed her, and my youngest, Marisa. God, I was worried for her. Impressionable, what my husband would say... I just hoped he'd understand.  

And my eldest; Sarah. She didn't know, but she needed too. I needed to tell her, and why I'd left her.  She'd been spending much time with the Malfoy child, and hidden away from me. It hurt, for me to have to tell her, but not to be able to even see her, after such a gut-wrenching separation of fifteen years.

 'I'm going to go find Harry, apparently  he arrived not long ago.' Hermione said, and with a crack apparated. I sighed, sipping a butterbeer. Waiting, like always, for something good to come.  


 'HE'S A WHAT?!' I hollowed at the healer, 'HOW CAN YOU SAY SUCH A THING?! HE'S MY SON!'  The pathetic witch snivelled, and I pushed her aside. She screamed and was knocked unconscious by the ferocity of my blow.

I exhaled.

There was no need to get worried, she couldn't know, he was probably just fooling her, yes, that would be a son of mine.  But still, how dare she pronounce him a Squib? It made no sense. Nagini followed me, circling around the infant. 

 'Hello young Riddle,' she hissed. But the baby, Kaden, only cried.  That wasn't right, the child wasn't a parselmouth? He was useless.  

'Sarah' I muttered, and within seconds she had appeared, with a worried expression. Her chest was heaving, and her cheeks were flushed, almost with guilt. I hardly cared about her anymore, she was too... Different. Too nice, I'd even caught her talking with a house-elf, where had I gone wrong? 'Is this Bella's brat?' She sneered, eyes taking in Kaden.

'No Sarah, this is Kayen.'

'Kaden? Fucked name.' She snorted and went to leave. I grabbed her arm and tugged her back. 

'You listen to me,' I said, voice low. 'You want to live? I don't have time to look after the child, I, therefore, will leave him to you.'  She stood back, aghast. I smiled.

 'You wouldn't.'

'I just did.'   


 And then he vanished, leaving Nagini in his wake. Bastard.  I looked at Kaden, my.. brother. 

'He's not like you' Nagini hissed and at this I felt Crade come beside me. He went up to Kaden and then retreated. 

 'He's not Tongued.'  I froze.

'He's not? Then how... How could he prove he's Dad's?' 'He can't' Nagini said, with what I guessed was a smirk, then slithered off.    Crade went closer to the infant, his tongue lapping the scent hungrily.  'He's not... He's not magical.'    His statement resounded in the air. Nothing was said after that, and I was lost in thought. Did father know? Whether he knew or not didn't matter. It only meant one thing, and it made me smile.

 I was still the heir. I was still Voldemort's Daughter, the Heir of Voldemort and Slytherin, the child of chaos and hatred itself.  All the inistence that I was becoming good, self-preservation, meant nothing now. I had protected myself in fear this child -Kaden- would destory me. He couldn't even wield a wand!  I was back. 


 I crept back up to Draco's room, pulling the child behind me. Yes, Kayen was a newborn, but, due to a wide array of growth potions my father had fed to him, he now resembled a pudgy two-year-old. 'Sarrrrra' he whined as we walked. He knew my name?

 'Shush,' I snarled, dragging him to Draco's, then shutting the door. 


 'What the... What in Merlins pants is THAT?' I gaped at the thing, 'it's not.. not yours is it?' I stutted. Sarah laughed her magical haunting laugh. 

'Yeah, hadn't you noticed how fat I'd been getting? No idiot, it's... It's -he's- my brother.' What?

'Voldemort's?' Sarah nodded, eyes darkening. 'And Bella's. But he's not allowed to know that. Want to know something? You can't tell anyone.' Her eyes held a malicious intent that I'd thought to be long gone. It was... sexy?

  'I won't,' I promised.

 'Good. He's a damn Squib.'   Immediately I understood that look in her eyes. It was glee, the kind that Voldemort himself possessed. It was almost demonic. No. The voice that loved the new morally proper Sarah wept, and I struggled to keep a straight face. After all this, after all I'd done to try and save her... She was back, this evil angel that was as beautiful as she was evil. 

 'I.. I love you Sarah,' I whispered.

 'Who wouldn't? Look after him would you, I'm going out.' She shoved the struggling toddler into my arms and, with a crack of blackest smoke, was gone.    

Melanie's Daughter (Sequel to Voldemort's Daughter- Sarah Riddle)Where stories live. Discover now