Chapter 11

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"What the actual fuck." Harry muttered in shock.

"What the hell were you guys doing in my closet?" Travis yelled.

"Oh no..." Bambi gaped at the wall.

There was so much tension building inside Macy's little apartment.

"You two?" I couldn't help but giggle, "Oh my gosh, why didn't I see this coming?"

"Why are you in my fucking room?" Travis yelled again.

"You two?" Harry exclaimed, anger starting to bubble behind his voice, "Why didn't you fucking tell me!?"

"We don't have to tell you anything!" Bambi exclaimed at Harry.

Harry looked genuinely hurt as he studied the two people standing in front of him, the two people who were supposed to be his best friends. Sympathy formed in me for the curly haired boy, whose sadness began to turn into anger again.

"You didn't feel the need to tell me that you, my fucking friends, were banging each other!?" Harry kept yelling.

"Dude, chill the fuck out." Travis replied.

My head started throbbing from the amount of yelling in the room. All that these three were doing was hurting each other even more than necessary.

"Okay, you guys need to stop yelling." I huffed, standing up.

Harry growled, "You guys can do whatever the fuck you want."

He turned around to stomp out of Travis' room when suddenly, someone started banging on the front door.

"Who the fuck is that?" Travis muttered, walking past Harry into the living room.

Harry slowly followed him, as the banging got louder.

"What?" Travis greeted whoever was on the other side of the door.

Two small hands pushed him out of the way, and Ivy came into view.

"Harry," She cried as mascara ran down her face, "Oh my Gosh!"

"Ivy, what's wrong?" Harry's eyes were wide, as Ivy ran into his arms.

I couldn't resist the need to roll my eyes.

Talk about good timing.

"It's y-your dad." she stammered, "He had a h-heart attack. He's at the hospital. Oh my gosh Harry it's bad, the doctor says it's really bad. You have to go see him!"

"Are you kidding me?" Harry groaned, "Why are you the onetelling me? Where's my mom? Where's Nick?"

"They're all at the hospital. Your mom sent me to tell you." Ivy explained, hanging onto Harry's arm tighter.

"We should get to the hospital." I quipped, "Instead of just standing here and crying."

"Oh, I didn't know you knew Robert." Ivy sniffled, turning to me.

Images of Harry's father filled my mind. Last time I saw him, he was socking Harry in the face. So yeah, I guess I sort of knew him.

"Uh...kinda." I replied, "But my point was...crying won't do anything to help. Harry you need to get to the hospital."

"She's right." Ivy replied, completely turning away from me, "I have a car waiting downstairs, let's go."

"Let me just grab my bag." Bambi added franticly.

"No, you don't need to be there." Harry basically commanded.

He was obviously still hurt about what she had said.

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