Chapter 13

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After pulling me out of the restaurant, Harry finally let go of my arm.

"God, they're everywhere," He sighed, frustrated.

"Harry," I laughed, "they're not that bad."

"Really? 'Cause Nick didn't even notice that you couldn't touch your food," He smirked, "And well shit, if you don't think Ivy's that bad then-"

"She's okay..." I stammered as he led me across the street.

Harry glanced back at me before laughing to himself.

We walked about two blocks away from the restaurant before Harry stopped in front of a silver cart that was producing a mouth-watering scent.

"I promise I won't do anything to it this time," Harry said, as he handed the man on the other side of the hot dog cart a five dollar bill, giving me a lopsided smile.

"I would never speak to you ever again." I threatened, smiling at him.

"Hm that wouldn't be so bad," He winked, and handed me the hot dog wrapped in foil.

After finishing the New York delicacy, my stomach was satisfied and even my headache slowly subsided.

"You full?" Harry asked, taking a sip of the soda he bought.

"Mhm," I groaned, "that was so good."

"The subway is kind of a walk from here," He commented.

"That's okay, gotta walk off all the calories I just ate," I frowned.

He looked at me and laughed.



We walked for awhile without talking. It wasn't awkward like when we first met each other. The silence was quite comforting.

"How was your first day?" Harry asked, his voice being carried away by the crowd.

If he didn't have that certain rasp in his voice, I wouldn't even have noticed that he had spoken. I stayed silent for a while, thinking of the right word to describe it. For some reason, I felt like Harry didn't want the traditional "good".

"Relieving." I said after a while.

"I'm glad." He responded, and it became quiet again for a while.

"Why did it look like you were about to pass out in the restaurant earlier?"

"It did?" I responded, "I wasn't aware. My head was just pounding."

"You sure you're not allergic to raw fish or something?" Harry asked me.

"More like allergic to stress," I joked."I thought today was relieving?"

"Yeah, but that restaurant was just so crowded," I explained, "It was kind of overwhelming."

"Need some roof time?" He smiled at me.

"Oh, is that a thing?" I asked, smiling back.

"It is now." He murmured, pulling something out of his pocket.

It was his set of keys.

"Here." He said handing me a key, "I have a spare one."

"You're giving me a key to your sacred roof?" I laughed.

"Don't make me take it back," He replied, smiling slightly.

"Does this make us friends now, Harry Styles?" I teased him, taking out my own set of keys so that I could add the newest addition.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2015 ⏰

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