Chapter 60: My new life

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It has been about a month since I had Carson and let me tell you, it's been a long and sleepless month. Don't get me wrong though I loved every moment of this new life. My mom, Jodie, and Nicole all stayed with us about 3 weeks after I had him to help put while everyone else went back home. But those 3 weeks went by really fast and now it was just Austin, Carson, and I to start our new journey. Carson sleeps all day and is up all night. His favorite thing is when I talk to him and when Austin sings to him which made my heart melt. Never in my life did I think I would have a kid much less with Post Malone! We have been able to keep Carson out of the spotlight for the most part. We've only posted one picture of him and we haven't left our house much. We get things brought to us from friends and our new personal assistant. We have talked about getting Carson a nanny but agreed we do not need one until Austin starts back up with his tour in November after Carson is 1. We both thought it would be good for Austin to take a break and so he can be there for all of Carson's big moments. 3 months have now gone by and Carson is growing like a weed. He just learned how to pull himself up and he's learned to babble. We also have a family trip to Saint Tropez and I was excited.  We knew this meant Carson would be on every cover of almost every magazine but we were ready for that we knew we couldn't keep him hidden forever. Life with Carson just flies by because now another month has gone by and we were on our way to France. Carson did amazing on the plane ride there. It was like he was a natural traveler which I hoped he would stay that way since in 7 months we will be traveling around America for Austin's tour but for now I'm gonna focus on this trip. We had a blast on our trip and we were sad it is over but we were also glad to be going home because I think Carson misses his home. Not much happened between our France trip and Carson's first birthday which was coming up soon. I hired someone to come help me plan his birthday because he turns 1 once and Austin wanted to go all out for it so I knew I needed help. We decided to have a jungle themed party since Caron's favorite animal at the moment is a giraffe. It took us 2 weeks to plan this party because there was so much to get and so many people to invite but we did it just in time because the party is tomorrow. 

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midnightrose: how is my baby one! ONE! @postmalone how do we make our baby stop growing

We had the party in our backyard just so we could keep control of who was there because we only want people we know and love there for our baby. The party went so well and Carson had such a great time. We had 2 cakes for Carson since there was so many people there and now my house is full of toys and more clothes. I tired to get rid of half the clothes he out grew but just as I got rid of them someone sent us more and his party made that worse. 

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posmalone: my son turned one :)

We also got Adam to take pictures of the whole party just so we could show Carson when he got older. And plus Adam was in town because we leave for Austin's new tour in 3 days so he was just going to stay with us. 

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adamdegross: My new tour buddy is turning 1

midnightrose: Carson loves his uncle/ new babysitter ;) 

postmalone: thanks for taking his pictures man

We had a long day but Carson's party went so great. Now we needed to get ready for this 2 month tour. We got a month off but had to pick it right back up in February then we would be done in April. It's crazy how our life changed just in one year. We left for tour and Carson did so much better on it then we thought. We did have a nanny but we let her go about 3 weeks in because all she wanted was to get in Austin's pants so we all decided we could all help out with Carson. Now it was Christmas and we went home to see my parents and Austin's like we did last year. Carson had a great Christmas since he was older he knew what was happening. Our month off flew by and now we were back on tour which we finished quickly.  All of this took place 3 years ago and now I was tucking Carson in bed after I just told him for the 100th time of how Austin and I met. It was his favorite story. "Mommy can you get daddy to tell the story tomorrow night?" "We'll see Carson" Austin was on his new tour without us because Carson was now in school and I was 4 months pregnant with our new baby. My life has become more than I ever expected and I loved it. I was married to Post Malone, had two kids, had a great family, and great friends. What more could I want in life? 

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