Chapter 43: Meeting my dad

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We pulled into the parking lot of my dad's favorite lunch spot and I saw him and my brothers standing by the front door waiting for me, my mom, and Austin. We got out of the car and I looked at Austin and mouthed "you okay" so my mom didn't hear me and he shook his head yes. "There's my girl" I heard my dad say as I walked over to him giving him a hug. "I missed you too dad" "Did you have a good time?" "Oh yeah it was great" I looked over and saw Austin and my mom walking over to us. "Dad this is Austin, Austin this is my dad Edward." Austin reached his hand out to shake my dad's hand and my dad kinda looked surprised he did that and he shook back. I don't talk much about my ex but when Dakota first met my dad he was a mega asshole so I can understand why my dad is hesitant to meeting Austin but on the bright side Austin seem's to be on my dad's good side so far, I just hope it stays this way. "Well it's nice to finally meet you Austin. Lisa and Rose have told me all about you." "It's nice to meet you too sir" I knew that would win my dad over by Austin calling him sir. " Let's eat" my mom said and my brothers were the first ones in and we laughed. We were quickly seated at a table with Austin beside me and my mom and dad across from us and my brothers sitting at the end of the table. ''So Austin tell me about yourself other than the fact that you are a famous rapper" my dad laughed causing us to laugh. "Well sir, I grew up in Texas" "Oh nice. What part?" "Grapevine" "So you grew up kinda close to here then" "Yes sir only 4 hours" " " How did you get into music?" "I kinda just got interested in it playing guitar hero and my love for it went from there" "Dang I haven't played that in ages" my brother said joining on the conversation. "Hey maybe you can come over and play sometime" Austin said to my brother and he said "that'd be fun can't wait" Soon enough our food came and we all ate and talked some more. My dad wasn't asking Austin too many questions and I was so happy he wasn't. Thank God my mom had a talk with him earlier. We spent a good 2 hours in the restaurant before we got ready to leave. Austin insisted on paying the bill but my dad wouldn't let him. It was so nice seeing someone I was dating actually care and get along with my family. I've never had this before and it made me so happy. I could tell by the look on my dad's face he approved of Austin and I was so relived. "Well I don't know about you guys but I think it's time to head home and nap since Lisa over here woke me up early to come get you guys. Not that I'm complaining I just like sleep." " I see where Rose got that from" Austin and my dad laughed. "Hey sleep is very serious and much needed" I said to them. Them ganging up on me showed that they liked each other. We got up after my dad paid the bill and headed outside "Hey Rose I have to go buy some groceries. Do you and Austin wanna ride home with your dad or you are more than welcome to come with me" my mom told us. "Actually I'd like to go with you if you don't mind. I'd like to cook for y'all one night if that would be okay with you" "Wow a man who says yes sir and wants to cook for me? Austin I think you are a keeper" my dad said to him "you are more than welcome to cook. I'd be honored" my dad finished off. "Rose are you coming with us?" my mom asked. As much as I wanted to go I wanted to go home and nap like my dad suggested. "If it's okay with y'all I think I'm gonna sit this one out unless you want me to come." I asked Austin "No Rose you go I think your mom and I can handle this" "Okay" I hugged and kissed Austin as my dad got our bags out of the car. "Ready?" my dad came over to me "yes" I said. We went our separate ways and oddly I missed Austin. This was the first time I haven't been around him since I came to see him in Utah. "So Rose how was your trip?" my dad asked. "It was good! Utah is beautiful." "Well I'm glad you had fun. So I'm sure you wanna know what I think of him." "Kinda" "I approve. I can see you like him a lot and him you. It's nice to know you found someone like that because I did not see that when you were with Dakota." "Thanks dad he does make me pretty happy" Just then I got a text from Austin.

Austin aka Posted Malone: Is it crazy I miss you? 

Me: Funny you say that because I miss you

Austin aka Posted Malone: How am I suppose to sleep in a different room than you if I can't even go 5 minutes without being with you? 

Me: Good question, guess we'll have to sneak around ;)

Austin aka Posted Malone: As much as fun as that sounds, I don't want to be put on your dads bad side

Me: boooo. Fine oh btw my dad told me he likes you 

Austin aka Posted Malone: Thank god now the rest of this trip will be fun

Me: Austin

Austin aka Posted Malone: Rose

Me: I love you

Austin aka Posted Malone: I love you too babygirl 

I just smiled at our messages as my dad pulled into our driveway and I was so glad. I was ready to lay down and sleep.

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