Chapter 47: Dinner with nana and my friends

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I wasn't too worried about Austin meeting my nana because she is one of the most welcoming and loving people I know so I knew she wouldn't have a problem with Austin. "Hey nana it's good to see you" I said hugging her. "Nana this is Austin, Austin this is my nana Cynthia" "It's nice to meet you Miss Cynthia" Austin said reaching his hand out to shake hers but instead she pulled him into a hug and said "don't be silly call me nana too" she said winking at me. I laughed because I knew that meant she likes him. "So I hope you guys like Olive Garden because I was too lazy to cook so I ordered food." "Are you kidding I love Olive Garden. It's my favorite restaurant" Austin said as we walked in. I laughed because I knew she was getting that because she texted me and asked what his favorite restaurant and what from there he likes because she wanted to impress him but I didn't tell him that. Dinner went well, it was mostly filled with my nana asking Austin questions about his music and his family and me just sitting there as a third wheel. We finished eating and decided to call it a night because it was getting late and I knew nana liked to go to bed around 11. As we were walking out nana said "so Austin I am assuming you'll be around for Christmas?" I hadn't told anyone but my parents that Austin and I were going to be here for Christmas Eve just not Christmas day. "Oh yes ma'am Rose and I are going to be here for Christmas Eve and then we are leaving Christmas Morning to go to my parents in Texas" " Oh great! I can shop for one more person now!" "Oh that's okay you don't have to get me anything" "Austin don't even try it she'd gonna shop for you regardless" I said laughing knowing that my nana loves buying gifts for anyone at anytime. " Well I'm glad I got to meet you Miss Cynthia and dinner was really good I appreciate it" "Don't be silly it was an honor having a rockstar in my home" We all laughed and said goodbye and Austin and I headed back to my house. "Can we spend some time together when we get back? I feel like I've been sharing you with too many people and not myself" Austin asked as we pulled onto my road. "Yes we can. Come to my room and we'll watch a movie" "Good I'm in need of wrapping someone in my arms" I laughed "you're such a dork" I said kissing him as I put my car in park. When we got in I went to my room to set up Netflix and to find a movie and to change while Austin went to his to change as well. Soon enough we were both laid up in my bed watching To All the Boys I've Loved Before. About half way through the movie Austin fell asleep and I couldn't move because he he his arms wrapped around me so tight I didn't even fight that he was sleeping in my bed tonight because I was tired myself so I just fell asleep too. I did't even care if my parents cared he was in my room but at this point I knew they wouldn't be mad. I woke up at 10 the next morning to see Austin still passed out in my bed and it made me really miss our time in Utah because we didn't have to sneak around my parents. I got out of bed and went downstairs to find my parents weren't home so I grabbed a water and sat on the couch with my computer and answered some emails I had about Austin's tour. Even though tour hadn't started I was still having to do a little work for it since Austin made me his personal assistant. I also decided to text my friends to make sure we were still on for tonight and they all agreed. Austin came down stairs around 12 and sat on the couch beside me and laid his head in my lap. "So what are we doing today?" "A whole lot of nothing until dinner with my friends" "Good. Are your parents here?" He asked sitting up " nope" "good then I can do this" he said kissing me and before I knew it we were in my room both naked. We spent most of the day in my bed watching Netflix until it was time to go eat with my friends. On the way to the restaurant Austin asked me "so should I be prepared for your friends?" "Austin. You've met them already.." "I know I'm messing with you because the past 2 times we had to meet someone you've had to prepare me" he said laughing. "Oh you're so funny hahah" I sat hitting his arm lightly. We got there and soon were seated with my friends. "So Rose you excited to see New York for the first time" Parker asked me. "Yeah I am. I've always wanted to go and now I get to go with Austin" I said grabbing his hand and smiling. "What are you doing there?" Sebastian asked and I looked at Austin because I really didn't know what we were doing there besides Austin's New Years Eve performance. "Uh well I'm doing a New Years Eve performance and after that we can do what we want pretty much. I'm for sure taking her Central Park." "I'm jealous" Aspen said. We got our food and ate and talked about our futures. Austin paid for all of their food and they thanked him and then we all went our separate ways. On the way home he asked me if we had any plans for tomorrow and I said no. "Good. I wanna stay in bed and do nothing with you all day if you don't mind." "That sounds amazing lets do it." 

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