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Heyyyy so this has a lot in it, there's attempted suicide and talk of suicidal thoughts if those things trigger you in some way or another DO NOT read this.

It does have a happy ending because I was already hurting my children enough I couldn't do more, so it does end well! With extreme fluff! And it gets a bit choppy near the end... so sorry about that


 They were on the roof. How did they even end up there? The sound of cars (cars? Why were they in the Forbidden Cities?) speeding down the streets below them filled the night, the tears in Keefe's eyes blurred both his vision and his memory. The entire night was a blur. There was a fight, then stairs, and running, and screaming, begging, Dex laughing, not a good laugh, bitter. They were on the edge of the world, life, and death, a blurry line, the only thing separating them, was his death grip on the strawberry blonde's arm. But his arms were already starting to shake and he didn't know how much longer he could hold on. With one thought, that there was no way in heaven and hell that he was going to let this boy die, he jumped and curled his body around Dex's, determined to take the impact. Pressing the leaping crystal into Dex's hand, he spoke quietly against the wind, pressing Dex as close as he could, "I love you."

God, how did they end up here?

They were sorting through papers, chasing their latest lead, that probably would end at a dead end. But they were hopeful, and they made a fun time out of it. Laughter filled the room, not for the first time, and Keefe's eyes didn't wander to Sophie, desperately trying to get a glimpse of the smile on her face, they wandered to the boy next to her. He wasn't laughing. Only a small smile, that seemed strangely forced, played on his lips. Dex hadn't spoken anything as he left, only stood, and walked out. No one said anything, no one really noticed. That happened more often now, Keefe was realizing, Dex would make an excuse, or not, and leave. Sometimes he would come back, sometimes he wouldn't. It didn't seem to bother the group, well Biana would glance at him as he left, but ultimately stayed where she was, and that above all, bothered Keefe. Normally Keefe wouldn't do anything either, he would put the incident in a file in his mind, and continue on with the thought nagging at the back of his head, where did he go?

So this time, Keefe was going after him. He got up right after Dex, making an excuse to use the bathroom when the heads turned and his chest tightened in anger. It had started raining at some point between when he left Everglen and found himself following Dex at a distance into the rain. Currently, he was at war with himself, trying to figure out if he should try to talk to the other boy or not when Dex started to raise a blue crystal. Without letting himself think, which Keefe was very good at, he ran towards him and grabbed his hand before he leaped away. Neither Dex nor Keefe had time to register what was happening before they were pulled into the leap and had to pull their concentration together.

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" Dex yelled as soon as they landed, startling Keefe.

"Uh following you?" Keefe said, still surprised that Dex had just yelled fuck at him. The first thing he noticed about their surroundings, other than Dex absolutely losing it, was that it was so loud. There were people and cars and buildings everywhere. Keefe never felt more out of place in his life. Too busy looking around he didn't notice Dex push the leaping crystal into his hand, or the sound of a door closing. He was worried now. Why would he give him the leaping crystal? It's not like he had expected Keefe to follow him, so he wouldn't have two. A sickening feeling found its way into Keefe's stomach. Dex didn't plan on coming back, not anymore.

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