Detz "Did I ever tell you how beautiful your eyes are?"

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Dex didn't like people. He also didn't like alcohol. So why one might ask, was he at a college frat party? Sophie Frickin Foster. Dex's best friend. "It will be fun!" she said. She was wrong. It was not fun, he was hiding, he couldn't find any of his friends, and had no intention of leaving the safety of his corner.

"Fitz will be there!" Sophie also said. Fitz Vacker was the perfect idiot he happened to have a crush on. Dex scoffed at the memory. Yeah right, like Fitz would spend time around him. He was probably off with Sophie, who also abandoned him. So much for a best friend.

Dex didn't know how long he had been standing in his corner. There was music blaring from somewhere and the people passing in front of him was a river that didn't stop flowing. And got worse the longer it came. The stench of beer, Kool-Aid, probably cigarette smoke and body odor was by far the worst part. Not for the first time, he was happy that he lived by himself off-campus, so he could escape alone if he wanted. The thought of a night by himself working on his latest project was starting to look better and better when Tam came stumbling over.

"Hey man!" he shouted over the music. Dex recoiled slightly before offering a smile. Tam didn't seem too drunk, better than the girl who had run outside to throw up a few minutes earlier.

"Have you seen Fitz?" he asked, poking Dex's shoulder. Fitz. No, the last time Dex had seen Fitz was for the first minute before they walked into this horrendous party. Dex shook his head.

Tam nodded, "I was trying to make sure everyone hadn't done anything stupid, Sophie and Biana are fine, not too bad. Keefe's being well Keefe, but I couldn't find Fitz," said Tam listing their friends off on his fingers (A/N: I have a hc that Tam is just one of those bad boy acts but actually cares for everyone?? Let me live I love my children). "Glad Linh's not here."

"Yeah doesn't seem like her kinda place," Dex agreed. He was starting to think about the trouble Fitz could have gotten into when a chorus of whoops came from another room. Tam glanced at Dex before shrugging and following the noise. Dex on the other hand very much did not want to leave his corner but ended up chasing after the other. The two boys pushed their way through the crowd of smelly drunk people to find- Keefe. There were two lines of shot glasses, probably fourteen in each, with Keefe on one end and another boy on the other, Dex remembered his name as Valin. Tam let out a heavy sigh next to him.

"I'm going to go chaperon, my boyfriend," said Tam looking at Keefe with a fond (but ultimately annoyed) smile, "can you go find Fitz? Just make sure he hasn't done anything horrible?"

"Aye, aye, captain," Dex responded with a mock salute before searching the crowd for teal eyes and dark hair and skin. After weaving his way through person after person (who in their right mind had this many people in one place? Dex wondered), he still hadn't found the other boy. Come on Fitz where are you? thought Dex for at least the fifth time. The feeling of bodies all around him was starting to be suffocating. He stumbled out of the crowd (in which whoops and hollers were still coming from) and into the kitchen. He scanned the area. There were a few snacks, alcohol, and a couple kissing by the fridge. No Fitz.

Twenty minutes and Dex had searched almost the entire house. For the past five minutes of aimless wandering hoping to find some hint of teal eyes, he's been debating whether or not to leave Fitz on his own and get out of this stupid party. Maybe he's gone home with some rando girl, Dex could feel bile rising to his throat at the thought. He shook his head, Fitz can do whatever he wants he's not my responsibility. Some part of him scoffed at the thought, knowing that when it came to Fitz it didn't matter if he was his responsibility or not. After turning in circles for at least a minute, Dex decided that he was searching the bathroom and leaving. He was done with parties.

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