5.The Special Order

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"Lenox, come here!" A voice echoed in the house, making Lenox jump from her seat.

"Coming mom!"

Lenox stood up from her computer desk, wearing her pajamas and with her hair braided to the side. She ran downstairs and then found mother on the kitchen, looking inside her bag, as if she was ready to leave.

"Yeah?" Lenox asked and her mother looked up at her, scanning her from head to toe.

"Lenox! Why are you still on your pajamas?! It's almost 3 pm!" She yelled. Lenox glanced at a small clock that was on the other side of the kitchen and realized her mother was right.

She had been so busy on the computer that she hadn't even checked the time. She glanced back at her mother, who had stopped what she was doing and was now looking at her with frowned brows.

"Umm, I was actually about to go change." She lied and her mother seemed to believe her.

"Well, you better hurry because you are coming with me to the supermarket." Her mother said.

"What? Now?" Lenox protested. 

"Yes, now! If you hadn't notice, your hair conditioner is over and Loops ran out of food this morning."

Loops was Lenox dog and only friend, she didn't have any siblings and in school her classmates weren't nice with her at all, so basically Loops was everything she had. Lenox felt suddenly guilty because she hadn't paid the poor creature enough attention this past days.

"Okay then..." Lenox replied, not knowing what else to say. Her mother nodded at her and Lenox took that as an opportunity to walk back upstairs. 

She closed her laptop before entering her bathroom and turning on the shower. As much as she wanted to stay, she would have to continue her stalking later. 

Lenox hadn't realized how tired she was until she looked at herself in the mirror and saw bags under her eyes. She hadn't sleept at all yesterday for being stuck on the computer, but she wasn't complaining. She undressed herself and stepped into the shower, letting the hot water relax her entire body. She thought then, that despite all the time she had spent searching, she hadn't figured out "move #3" yet. She was so stressed about it, maybe a little walk would help her clear her mind.

After the quick shower, she dressed herself in a white shirt, a gray hoodie and a pair of jeans. She didn't feel like wasting to much time on getting ready so she just braided her long hair again and went back downstairs. 

The market was only two streets far from her house, so the walk was fast and quiet; Lenox was glad the streets were almost barren because it gave the place peacefulness, and she loved that. The super market wasn't really a big store, but it was big enough for their small town. There were only a couple of customers on the checkout lanes, and the market in general was almost empty. Lenox was glad because she really didn't want run into someone she knew, specially not her neighbors, since that meant her mother would start chatting and then they would end up going back home at 10 pm, of the next century.

They walked through the different sections as her mother looked through a list, picking stuff from the shelves and putting them on the cart, after some minutes she finally said: "Lenox, help me and go get Loops food. I'll be right in the fruits department."

"Okay." Lenox said, and then walked to the other side looking for the small section, where everything pets related was stocked. When she finally saw it, she started looking for the food Loops liked the most. 

"No, no, no, no you can't buy all of that." She heard a woman yelling from the other side of the shelve and stopped what she was doing. The shelves weren't particularly high, so if she just stepped on her toes she could see who was on the other side, but she didn't want to be inappropriate.

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