9. Good Luck

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That's what the four members of The Fooo Conspiracy had been doing the whole day. Rehearsing the songs, changing some notes, deciding who was going to be the lead voice, who was going to take the high notes, who was going to be the back voice, etc.

This was something that they loved to do, because they just loved to sing together. They liked to experiment and goof around with their voices until their throats felt raspy and they couldn't sing anymore.

Regarding the dancing, Daff had promised them that tomorrow they were going to be able to rehearse properly in a small studio, so that they could practice the choreographies properly. He had gone out again and Kat was the one in "charge". She was suppoused to make sure they didn't burn down the house, but instead they'd fighted her that they didn't need a baby sitter and she'd agreed to go relax at her room if they promised to stay on the principal room to rehearse. 

She never said a thing about jumping on couches... which was what they were doing now. Even though their voices were cracked and raspy, they were singing as loud as they could to every song that popped on the radio. They were sure Kat was just pretending not to listen to all of the noise they were making but they knew sooner or later she would come out of her room and give them a rant about how they shouldn't be damaging their voices.

In the meanwhile, Felix sat down on the couch exhausted and recovered his breath as he tried to stop laughing at Omar, who was putting on a show as he danced to one of Rihanna's songs.

"Omar..." He said before breaking into laughter again. "If you don't stop I swear I am going to pee my pants." He managed to say.

Omar laughed. "You are asking a diva to stop being a diva and that doesn't happen boy." He said, making his best Rihanna impression. "This diva only stops... when he is hungry." He said, going back to his normal voice.

Felix tried to catch his breathe again and said. "Yeah, I am hungry too man."

"Woooh." OG sighed as he stopped jumping and sat down. Oscar did the same and the stood up to turn down the radio. "That was so much fun." His voice was barely a whisper due to the screaming.

"Yeah." Oscar laughed. 

"I'm surprised Kat hasn't come out yet." Omar said, taking a seat beside his friends.

"She's probably taking a shower or something." Oscar said.

"Is there something to eat here other than apples and granola bars?" Felix was standing on the kitchen now, opening some of the cabinets and inspecting every single shelf to see if there was something tasty to eat.

"I think not." Oscar stood up and walked to Felix. "Remember we have to eat healthy to be ready for the rehearsals tomorrow."

"Oh screw that, I wish we could order some pizza." Felix protested.

"Is everything L sent you gone?" OG asked, turning his head to look at him.

"Yeah." He let out a laugh. "That was gone in a day."

"She should send us more provisions now." Omar suggested, throwing his head back in the couch as if sending a prayer.

"Yeah, I don't..." Felix was interrupted by the sudden sound of someone knocking the door. Omar looked at him with frowned brows and Oscar was the one who walked to the door.

"It must be Elvis." OG said from the couch and indeed, when Oscar opened the door, Elvis was standing on the doorstep... and he had a pizza box in his hands.

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