8. Show Planning.

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The concert preparation was more complex than what Felix had imagined. They'd spent the whole day on Saturday preparing all of the details for the gig. Daff had already booked a small area on one of the biggest malls around the place, they were alerady done with the arrangements and Daff was only waiting for the sound engineer to confirm his assistance on the presentation that day. They were currently sitting on the principal room trying to finish the setlist and picking the outfits they were planning to wear that day.

"I say gold." Omar said.

"We wore gold the last time. I say we change to some slytherin green." Oscar said.

"No, we are not wearing green! I say we all wear whatever we want that looks good." OG added.

"I say we wear red." Felix snapped.

"I agree with OG." Kat said, jumping into the conversation.

"What if we all agree on wearing black pants?" Felix suggested. "That way it won't look too messy."

"That sounds good." Kat agreed. "That way ya'll will get to choose whatever you think goes better with your style without loosing the "group" aura."

"Okay, that'll be it then." Omar said, resting his hands behind his head.

"Okay, now that we got the outfits... what about the songs? Have any of you thought about songs for the setlist?" Kat asked, looking at all of them.

"Not really..." Oscar said.

"How about we all pick a song and create a setlist right now?" Felix suggested, smiling widly.

"Sounds good." Oscar smiled. "I want Roller Coaster to be in that list."

"Good choice." OG laughed. "How about a little Freestyler swag?"

"Amazing moves." Said Kat agreeing with OG.

"Do you always agree with OG now?" Omar asked, faking a jealous face.

"No, but the kid has been giving some great ideas lately." Kat said, making OG smile and wink at her.

Omar sighed and rolled his eyes. "So, Roller Coaster, Freestyler..." he stopped and seemed to be remembering what other songs they had but was interrupted.

"I pick The Link Up." Said Felix, very sure of his choice.

"Oh come on! I was about to pick that one!" Omar protested and Felix glanced at him . "Ugg, okay. I pick What The Fooo then."

"Kat?" Felix glanced at her.

"I pick Wild Hearts. I love that one." She said. "I say you guys do the dance cover for Don't and Don't Tell Em' as always and maybe some acapella version of My Beyonce."

"Yeah, that's perfect." Oscar said and the rest of the boys nodded in agreement.

"I hope that is all we have to decide because I really want to do something else." Omar protested.

"I think that is all for you guys. The rest is work for Daff and I to get done. You are free to go rest." Kat smiled at them. The boys let out a relieved sigh and stood up from the couch ready to go back to their rooms.

"Make sure to tell the Foooers that everything is ready for the show on Friday." Daff entered the house with a wide smile covering half of his face. He had his bussines suit on and a lot of papers on his hand. The boys stoped to look at him. "The place is ready, the audio is ready..."

"The setlist is done and the outfits have been picked." Kat added.

"Great!" Daff sang. "Now make sure to let everyone know!" He encouraged the guys.

Felix smiled. He loved to see the team happy and excited. This happened everytime they had a show. The difference was that, this time they only had Daff and Kat, he kinda missed the rest of the crew back in Sweden in this moment.

The four boys walked together to Oscar's room, since he'd claimed that his room had the best wifi recepcion. Oscar grabbed his computer as the rest grabbed their phones and they all sat on the bed, except for Omar, who was sitting leg-crossed on the floor.

"Okay, so we tweet from thefooomusic account first right?" Oscar asked, typing on his computer.

"Yeap. What do you think your girlfriend will think about it Felix?" Omar said, playfully.

Felix had to admit that he'd been thinking about it all day. If L was going to the show then maybe he would finally meet her. But he really didn't know what she would think about it or if she would go for sure and that was what had his head spinning. He really wanted her to go.

"She's not my girlfriend." Felix threw a pillow from the bed directly to Omar's face, causing the dark haired boy to laugh. "And I don't know, I just hope she gets excited." He said, prettending to type something on his phone to avoid the curious looks on his friend's faces.

They hadn't had a moment to talk and discuss about L after his birthday and given the fact that he'd almost admitted that he was really interested in this girl, talking about her was just awkward. He looked down to his chest only to find the little diamond chain glowing slightly, he smiled at it and then focused on the screen again. He logged into his twitter account and waited for Oscar to tweet from thefooomusic account. After he saw the tweet, he sent his own.

     "Who's comming to see us this friday?! Hope to see all of you beautiful Foooers there, we got a lot of surprises for y'all, check out our page for more info: thefooo.com TURN UP!!"


Lenox was laying on her bed the moment the tweet arrived. The tweet that she'd been waiting to read for years now. The tweet that she'd always wanted to see on their page.


If she'd received good news in her life this news didn't compare to them. This was everything she had waited for. Even if it was just a small show, it was still a show! From her favourite band!

In other circumstances she would have spent all of her money in some VIP front row ticket and a M&G. But now, she had the chance to see them perform for free and obviously that meant she could easily meet them for free as well. Isn't that every fangirl dream?

She was screaming and jumping and wanted to go so bad, until a thought hit her head. She was L now, she had to take advantage of that. She tried to think straight and planned carefully what she was going to do.

Was she ready to let this game go? She certainly wished she could have more time to do stuff instead of just meeting them in the show... but what if she didn't get another chance?

She had answered this question before and the odds always seemed to be on her side, she always found a way to meet them again.

So no, she didn't want to loose all that. She was going to go, was going to enjoy the show. She was going to scream and laugh and sing all of their songs with them, she was going to make herself another girl in the crowd, she was going to be there as the good fan she was and at the end of the day, she was going to go back home with a smile on her face knowing that one of her biggest dreams came true.

She wasn't going to let L go and even though she was dying to meet them, she was going to wait.

Just a little bit more.


Hey guys! I am so sorry that it took me almost three months to post, but I was really busy and didn't have time to write. The good news are that I am finally on vacations and I'll be posting a lot from now on :) (I will probably do a marathon). Also, I am sorry that this chapter was so short, I think the next chapter will be short as well, but don't worry, the good stuff is about to come!!! :)

Thank you so much for reading and not leaving this story. Please comment and review, it inspires me to keep writing. Love you all soooooo much<3


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