6. The Studio.

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"But how am I suppoused to think it up when I'm…"

"Stop there. Let's record that part again, and this time, try to do it a little bit higher Felix."  

"Got chu." Felix said.

The boys had been recording in the studio the whole morning. It all felt amazing. Roccio heard them at the beginning and then said that he was fascinated by their voices. He wanted them to record a sample (that's what he'd called it and it was basically a really short EP) of 3 songs of their choice; acoustically, to hear how the final product (the real album) would sound. They agreed and had been recording since then.

Felix finished his high notes feeling proud of himself and high fived the rest of the boys when the audio engineer said it sounded amazing. The boys walked in a group out of the vocal booth into the control room.

Roccio was seating in a leather chair in one corner, Liberty right beside him. Kat and Daff were sitting on the other side of the room.

"Geez, that was sick boys! Great job! It sounded even better than the original version." Daff said, the moment they came out.

"Really good actually. I'm impressed." Roccio said.

"Thank you Sir." Oscar thanked him with a wide smile on his face.

"You guys sound even better acoustically I have to say." Liberty added with a flirty smile on her face.

"Thank you." Felix smiled at her and she winked at him slightly.

"I hope the sample can be finished by tomorrow." Roccio interrupted. "I want you to perform this in a small area; a mall or somewhere similar. Just to get people to know you and have a glimpse of your music. I want to see how many people get interested enough to buy the sample. If you are well known and received by the crowd then I think it's more than obvious that the album will be recieved the same way. " He added with a playful smile.

"That's a great idea." Kat smiled and then glared at the boys as if saying 'I told you this was going to happen.'

Felix felt suddenly guilty for not obeying Kat about the junk food, but the guilt disappeared when he remember how great everything had tasted. He looked at the other boys and had to resist the urge of laughing in that very moment.

"The thing is that my daughter and I are heading to New York and we won't be back until next week." Roccio continued. "So, I am trusting you with the organization and the budget. And by the time I come back, we will set the deal depending on the results."

"Great. We'll not let you down." Daff hurried to say.

Felix was overcome by the amazing feeling of success. Their album was going to be great. Everything was going to be great. He trusted that the crowd was going to like their innovative music and that at the end, they were going to become legends on the music industry.

"Have you got anything planned for a future album?" Roccio asked.

"Yeah, actually we have a lot of songs we wrote back at home. I'm gonna call Johan tonight to see if he can send me the documents." Daff said.

"Great." Roccio smiled. "Take a small break guys, we still have tomorrow."

When Roccio said that, the boys walked to a small room where they had water bottles, snacks and a pair of comfy couches. So far they'd recorded only one of the songs for the sample, Dumbstruck,  and to be honest it felt great to be back on such a prestigious studio. They could surely finish the sample by tomorrow night.

Tomorrow was definitely going to be a special day.

"Kat was right." Omar said, almost laughing. 

Unpredictable. (Felix Sandman)Where stories live. Discover now