Chapter 18

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"So the game's simple. Truth or dare. You've got to pick one. And no matter what, you have to answer or do what the person says got it? No pulling any lame chickening-out crap. Let's keep this game interesting, yeah?"

Once one of the college guys finished explaining the rules there were a few sinister smiles and sly glances thrown around the circle, mainly between the people who already knew each other and were looking forward to embarrassing sometime in the very near future.

As for me, I wasn't looking at anybody else. My sole attention was focused ahead of me, gaze bearing into the face of the werecat that seemed resistant to even spare me a glance. Though it seemed to be costing him a lot of effort, don't think I didn't notice.

I was a little irritated by that, since I thought I was the one who was ignoring him. Not that I really cared, I just couldn't help but wonder just what was up with him.

For some reason, something in me seemed unsettled by the thought of him giving me the cold shoulder.

Without me even realizing it, the first round of the game had begun.

The first question was started by the guy who had originally brought us over, directed to one of his buddies sitting across from him in the circle. The guy's friend chose truth, and as a result, ended up admitting to the crowd of people that he couldn't ride a bike without training wheels until he was twelve. That had certainly rose a laugh out of everybody.

Next it was his turn to ask, and he chose to route the 'Truth or Dare' question towards the girl with the purple highlights in her hair, sitting at his side. She too chose to do a truth, and with the question being 'admit five guys here you would make out with one the spot no questions asked', it was pretty self-explanatory what she had to do. She said the names of a few guys — who either snickered or secretly blushed in response, and then when she seemed to be searching the faces of the circle, her last three had to be pointed out. Katski, some tall muscled guy with black hair, and me.

Maia snickered at my side, obviously amused that I had been singled out, but I couldn't care less. In fact, I was more annoyed with the fact that she chose Katski more than I was that she chose me. Sure, I'll admit there's no doubt he's on the good looking side, like, extremely good looking, but the thought of her shoving her tongue down his throat set a bile taste in my mouth. One I really didn't care for. Like at all. Though casting a glance over at Katski himself, it was clear that he didn't even seem to care. He actually looked pretty out of the game if I'm being honest, seemingly too distracted by whatever was going on in his head to follow along with what was happening around him. Actually, it was a little concerning, compared to the fact that most of the time he acted so light and cheery. Maybe I was a little worried...just a little.

The game continued, the girl with the purple streaks of hair saying truth or dare to one of the boys she had previously picked out — the one who looked like the definition of a playboy from his cocky smile down to his open white button shirt. He chose truth, and in turn, had to answer whether or not he was still a virgin or not. The answer was a 'no'.

While the group laughed at the question, I just rolled my eyes. This was getting old already and it had only been three rounds.

I had just been in the mindset of thinking so much for not being a bunch of 'chickens', since, evidently, nobody had the guts to pick 'dare' yet. I guess everyone just knew that doing a dare would undoubtedly lead to something ultimately embarrassing, so they were only looking out for their own interests. I guess I could see it that way, but still, truth, truth and more truths gets a little boring after a while.

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