Last Damn Night

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"Fuck." I whispered to myself and slid down in my car seat. As I moved my hands away from my face, a tap on my window made me jump.

"Hey, I heard what happened with Lucifer back there." It was Max, he spoke to me quietly and calmly.

"I was hoping that you didn't see that." I sighed and flipped down the visor to look into the mirror, my mascara ran down my face and my eyes were puffy. "Shit, I was going to try to apply for jobs today, but I can't go in like this."

"You know, I could get you a spot at my club, pay is good and we always need performers." Max's offer made me cry even more.

"I'll take it, I can start tonight." I hugged Max to best ability through the window while he chuckled lightly. Max was a godsend and I needed him.

As soon as I got into my apartment, I knew that I had to be early to my new job, which meant getting ready. I took a shower and did my hair and makeup. I sighed when it came to putting on the sparkly red dress that had been hanging in my closet. It was a little tight, but putting it on seemed right, like I was supposed to be wearing the dress even with the weird dreams surrounding it and my life making less sense as the days go by. I was broken from my thoughts when there was a knock at the door. I hurried to the door and looked through the peep hole, it was Dan, I wasn't ready to talk to him, but he knew I was here. I opened the door and tried my best to put on an angry face. Even though he had treated me like a child and I was angry at him, I still had the memories of growing with him and him being the best brother I could have asked for.

"(Y/N), Chloe told me about you and Lucifer, I'm so sorry." He held me in a hug and I stood stiff.

"Dan, I appreciate you being here, but I really can't cry right now." I pulled away from him and smiled, "Its nice to see you though."

"Wait, where are you going?" He took a good look at me, his brotherly concern worn in his face.

"I got a performer job at a club, don't worry, I know the guy that owns it, he's really nice." Dan still looked worried, but he nodded and sighed.

"I shouldn't treat you like a child, you're my little sister, but you're an adult and you can make your own decisions." He hugged me again and then pulled away, "You better get to your gig, or you'll be late."

"Thanks Daintydick." I smiled at my brother and left to get in my car despite his angry grumbling about gathering nickname I gave him when I was a teenager.

I quickly rushed into the club, carrying my heels in hand, as I swapped my comfy shoes for my heels in the dark club, I ran into someone.

"You're late."

"Max, I'm sorry, L.A. traffic sucks." I finished putting heels on and slid my comfy shoes into my bag.

"It's fine (Y/N), you don't go one for about an hour." He chuckled and even in the dark, I could picture his charismatic smirk.

"Oh, then what can I do until then?" I wanted to earn my wage, especially when I learned what I was getting paid.

"You can hang out with me if you want." Max held out his hand and I took it. Max didn't seem like as much of a wild card as Lucifer had, he seemed stable and he didn't flirt with the other women like Lucifer. Even when we were together, Lucifer's past lovers always seemed to come up and Max was nothing like that. I sat with him in his private booth, where he ordered us drinks. The waitress seemed very happy that I was there.

"Hey I'm glad to see you back!" The waitress grinned and placed my drink down on the table.

"I've never been here before." I was completely shocked that she had said that.

"Vivi, why don't you go and get us a bottle of the good stuff?" Max was quick to get her away.

"Max, have I been here before?" I looked at him, surely he would know, he was always at his club.

"No, I think she had the wrong person."

"But I lost memories, I could have-"I started, but Max stopped me.

"You're on soon, better go get ready." He smiled at me and gave me a thumbs up as I got up from the booth, maybe the waitress did think I was someone else, but maybe she didn't? I had a gut feeling telling me that I had. I shook the feeling off and walked up to the mic. Max's club was different then Lucifer's in that it had an actual stage instead of a piano in the middle of the floor. The lights flicked on and I found myself standing in front of the large groups of people, a glance at Max made me feel better as he flashed me a thumbs up.

Singing came easy to me, it always had, but I could tell that the people in the club didn't really care though, they were there to drink and party. I finished and got an applause from the room and was immediately pulled back to Max.

"That was amazing!" He shouted over the loud club music.

"I'm not amazing." I chuckled and sat down next to him.

"Yes you are, this calls for shots." He motioned at a girl at the bar and she soon brought a tray of shots over. The next thing I knew, the night was more of a haze than anything. Time seemed to move slower as I drank more, but when I passed out, I'd assume that Max would take care of me, so I let myself go. The only thing I remembered was that I had blacked out after dancing on the bar to Shania Twain's 'I Feel Like a Woman'.

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