Safe and Sound

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And in a split second, Amenadiel was gone, I looked at the other girl's in the room, some were tied up in the floor, others were tied up on chairs. Though my head was fuzzy, I couldn't deny that someone looked similar. "Andrea?" I called across the room. The red headed girl looked at me, confused.

"Have we met before? I don't remember?" There were marks where her mascara had run down from tears and her hair was a mess.

"Once, a long time ago." I smiled at her from my chair.

"Oh, what's your name again?" Her voice was hoarse but it was so quiet that it was almost too loud.

"I'm (Y/N) and I'm going to get us out of here."

"How?" I couldn't help but have sympathy for the girl, she looked so rough.

"My brother's a cop, he'll do anything to find me, I also know that the man I love will stop at nothing to find me." Andrea smiled, I think that my statement brought her some peace, but her smile feel when Max walked in.

"Ah, so you know each other?" He clapped a few times and then looked at us. "I know Andrea too." He out his hand on her shoulder and she flinched in fear, he had done things to her and it was obvious.

"Leave her alone!" I shouted, "You can do anything to me but leave the others alone." I was so tired already, but I had just gotten here and there was no telling how long the others had been trapped here.

Max walked over to me and kicked me in the mouth, I could taste the irony blood that it had left me with.

"What a hero, too bad you won't be able to speak." Max grabbed my face and squeezed it, the pain shot throughout my face.

"Get off my sister!" A familiar voice screamed, it was Dan.

Max turned to look at Dan and the made a break for it, running off before he could stop him. Dan ran over to me and untied me, I practically fell to the floor. My body hurt so much, but I tried to stand. Dan held up and looked around.

"You need to get these girls out of her." I told him even though my mouth hurt and I was hoarse. Dan nodded and began to untie the girls.

"Wait where's-" I started but my question was answered.

"(Y/N)!" Lucifer ran to me and hugged me, "I am never leaving you alone ever again." He let me go and I looked at Chloe, she had tears in her eyes as she looked around at the other girls and then looked at me.

"More officers are in the way." She said and began to help Dan in untied girls.

"Lucifer, take (Y/N) out to the car." Lucifer nodded and helped me walk, it was quiet as we found our was through the large facility.

"I'm sorry." I said, breaking the silence.

"For what?" For once, Lucifer's voice was soft and quiet.

"For not listening to you, I should have listened to you."

" No one could have predicted this (Y/N), you were just doing what you thought was right." He held me tighter, I could tell that he was fighting back tears.

"I love-" I was cut off by Max jumping out in front of us.

"Awe how sweet! The devil and an angel, so sad that it doesn't mix." Max laughed.

"You're not taking her again!", Lucifer pushed me behind him and got into a fighting stance.

"Let's make a deal lover boy, we win when the other drops dead." The they began to fight, they seemed to be equal with each other. I watched intently, it would have been a joy to watch Max die so everything he had done to those girls. Finally Lucifer had Max on the ground and Lucifer stepped back.

"I can't kill you, the police will deal with you." Lucifer turned back to help me up, but Max pulled out a gun, I pushed myself in front of Lucifer as the bullet flew. The bullet was lodge right into my stomach and I could feel the blood gush out. I looked over at Max first, who had passed out due to his injuries. I then looked at Lucifer who had cradled me into his arms.

"Why (Y/N), why would you do that!" He cried.

"I love you Lucifer, but I'm not a part of your story." I cupped his face with my hand and kissed him on the cheek. Instead of the world fading black, my body began to emit a bright light and parts of me began to break off.

"I love you too (Y/N)." Lucifer has seemed at peace with what was happening. As I slowly faded, I looked into his eyes one last time before closing mine.

Amnesia (Lucifer X Reader ) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now